Baratheon deck…need help

By Valenswift, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction


I'm new to this game and been playing Baratheon. However since getting the Kings of the Storm and trying the suggested decks in there, i can't buy a win. I had more success with the core deck to be honest. Could someone point me in the direction of a good deck build using the core and KotS?

Knight/lord rush. I would steer clear of the decks suggested in the boxes, they are simply no good.

I'm assuming you have the Core Set 1x, yes?

Try this one:

Basic Bara

House (1)
House Baratheon (Core) x1

Agenda (1)
Knights of the Realm (KotStorm) x1

Character (32)
Hedge Knight (KotStorm) x3
Brienne of Tarth (Core) x1
Knight of the Rainwood (Core) x1
Knights of the Storm (KotStorm) x3
Ser Emmon Cuy (KotStorm) x1
Ser Guyard Morrigen (KotStorm) x1
Ser Parmen Crane (KotStorm) x2
Bastard of Robert (Core) x1
Robert Baratheon (Core) x2
Melisandre (Core) x1
Stannis Baratheon (Core) x1
Renly Baratheon (KotStorm) x2
Devan Seaworth (Core) x1
Knight of Flowers (Core) x1
Maester Cressen (Core) x1
Marya Seaworth (KotStorm) x1
Salladhor Saan (KotStorm) x1
Selyse Baratheon (Core) x1
Ser Axel Florent (Core) x1
Ser Cortnay Penrose (KotStorm) x1
Ser Davos Seaworth (Core) x1
Vanguard Lancer (KotStorm) x3
Ser Barristan Selmy (Core) x1

Location (13)
Aegon's Garden (Core) x3
King Robert's Chambers (Core) x1
Narrow Sea (Core) x3
Street of Sisters (Core) x1
Street of Steel (Core) x1
Stormlands Fiefdoms (Core) x1
Smuggler's Cove (KotStorm) x3

Event (11)
Distinct Mastery (Core) x2
Obey the King (KotStorm) x3
Superior Claim (KotStorm) x2
Seductive Promise (Core) x1
Narrow Escape (KotStorm) x3

Attachment (4)
Accepted Destiny (KotStorm) x1
Bodyguard (Core) x1
Lightbringer (Core) x1
Milk of the Poppy (Core) x1

Plot (7)
Fleeing to the Wall (Core) x1
Lineage and Legacy (KotStorm) x1
The Power of Blood (Core) x1
Tourney for the Hand (Core) x1
Valar Morghulis (Core) x1
Rains of Autumn (Core) x1
Rule by Decree (Core) x1

Knights Agenda should give you steady draw. Get out your beefy renown characters. Buff them with your Rainbow Guards, Accepted Destiny and Smuggler's Cove. Give them an Intrigue Icon with Selyse. Stand them with Distinct Mastery, Obey the King and Marya and use them in multiple challenges. Protect them with Parmen, Bodyguard and Lightbringer. If you do lose them, get them back with Narrow Escape.

Tell me how it worked out for you.

Yes i do just have the one core set.

Thanks a lot for this suggestion, i will definitely be giving it a go.

Ratatoskr said:

Tell me how it worked out for you.

It worked great, i finally won :)

i ended up with twice as much power as my closest opponent and the game finished in 5 rounds.

Valenswift said:

It worked great, i finally won :)

i ended up with twice as much power as my closest opponent and the game finished in 5 rounds.


I didn't realize you needed this for Melee. In this case, you might want to consider switching a plot or two out for the likes of Summoning Season, Building Season or Counting Favours, they are great bargaining chips in Melee. You might also want to think about the "Mutual…" plots.