New to the Dust Universe

By RedPhantom, in Dust Tactics

Hey, how's it going? I recently walked into my local hobby shop and saw Dust tactics had just arrived.

The game caught my attention I am interested in playing Dust I do like the look and feel of the Russian army. But I

have no idea where to begin; any information would be greatly appreciated-thanks

Well, first of all which factions are you looking at collecting? Axis? Allies? Sino-Soviet Union? If you plan to be able to supply your friends, then you'll probably want at least two factions.

As a general bit of information, if you're looking to collect either Axis or Allies, start with the Revised Core Set. It has some good units and isn't very expensive, and you'll have a copy of everything you need to start a game. If you're -only- interested in the SSU, however, then you might want to opt out of the Core Set. In this case, you'll want a Terrain Tile Set so that you have the basic essentials, and get yourself a copy of the PDF rules.

Rulebook PDF's are avaliable here:

If you're into the Russians I'd say pick up Operation: Zverograd in addition to the core PDF (which you can download for free in the support section of the dust page), this way you can get the special characters for the SSU too.

Thread hijack!

I'm new as well, have played two games with mates. Just bit the bullet and ordered a bunch of SSU premium stuff. Can't wait for it to arrive.