Alignment-changing and Gifts/Rewards

By Elurindel, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

Hey all,

I have a question about the above: If a heretic has just gained the next level of corruption that would change his alignment and also give him a Gift of the Gods, which do I apply first? Does he get the gift/reward using his old alignment, or his new alignment?

If this is a result of gaining XP, infamy and corruption at the end of a session or the like, I'd have to say there is one of two results:

1] The character was already over the alignment change threshold from previous XP expenditure. His new alignment comes to him in the form of a gift appropriate to his new alignment

2] The character would be using his just-gained XP to cross over the line. Tough luck: gifts by corruption are when you get it, after all. He gains the new mutation, and THEN spends his XP. Maybe he'll qualify for an alignment shift next time.

I'd first count the advances to see if he's eligible for an alignment change and then roll for mutations. Considering characters only ever get three or four mutations, denying them the alignment for the first one seems less-than-friendly.

If you get a mutation as unaligned, and then later a second one as aligned -does the first change it's form to fit your chaos god OR would it stay "generic"?

RAW, it would probably stay generic. However, I'd personally allow it to switch, as there are some mutations (like warp-eater) that are just brutal if they stay unaligned. Also, switching mutations would make for a more themed character and for alignment to be more central - right now, whenever it's not mutation-time, alignment only dictates what advances are more or less costly.

I used to keep mutations 'stable' in terms of alighment changes but now I think it's better if they are 'dynamic', especially if someone decided to become unaligned, his gifts would revert to weaker state ('you turn your back on me? take this *****!' :) . Of course some cosmetics would stay but they might not do anything mechanically.