Strange Eons plug-in for Talisman - Latest News…

By talismanisland, in Talisman Home Brews

Hi there

Just a quick note to say that I am checking what I have done for bugs, but the latest incarnation of the tool will be uploaded at some point this week, perhaps even this weekend.

What is new…


The menu, showing what you can make for the Revised 4th Edition of Talisman


Lycanthrope cards. The back is generic enough, but you can now have weretoads, werebears, or wereaxalotls…


The newest token template. New style, or classic…


Character or Ending Overlays. Useful for translations or if you just fancy a change…


Dragon Deck, featuring text from the latest competition winner - Bogusz Ostrowski!


Dragon Tokens if you need 'em…


Draconic Lords! Including 3 colour variations if you want to mix it up a bit!

What's next? Well, a full rebuild of the tool to get rid of the terrible coding that I have used over time, including language support and a less convoluted way to have your own expansion icons built in. It might include 300dpi templates too, rather than "just" 150dpi ones that are resized to 300dpi. More on this as it happens.

Well, I am rather pleased. Chris Jennings has played a blinder and helped me to correct one of the longest running "bugs" with the tool since I switched to "real" fonts!

The attribute macros now display correctly as Bold, rather than just an emboldened version of the Light font that is used on the cards.


Finally I can tidy it up and get it out for download. Stay tuned…

Awesome! I am so pleased that other people have enough interest in computers to make up for my total lunkheadedness. Huzzah! (*sings 'For He's A Jolly Good Fellow'….*)

Well, theoretically the latest version of the Revised 4th Edition of Talisman English plug-in for Strange Eons should all be working well, and is available for download -

It would be an idea to back up your previous copy of the .seext file before installing this/copying it to your folder.

I may add translations to the mix as and when I can, but work will now focus on a new, more streamlined version of the tool. News on that soon (ish).

Let me know if you have any problems with it.

Great work! Im currently using the v2.9 that you liked to right now. But that version dont have that new token style that you previewed in a screenshot above right? So we have to wait until you upload the next version to get the new token styles? im guessing this will be version 3.0?

Revised 4th Edition Newest Style Token?


Do you not have the above in your version?

This is strange. I have downloaded the latest file (v2.9 25-08-12) installed it by running the file. and no i cant find the new token cards in the list. i even browsed to the C:Usersuser_name.strange-eons-plugins directory and really made sure that the latest file where there. still no new cards. what have a missed?


Jon. I have the newest tokens in my strange eons, but I downloaded the plug-in before you fully released it.

One small thing, exclamation marks don't work. Not sure if the font contains that character?! Was tinkering with a Draconic Lord when I noticed it.


Thermoptic -

It looks like you have not installed the latest plugin, but how somehow got two copies of the old one in the directory.

Check your Strange Eons Plugin directory again…

If there is a copy of Talisman4R.seext AND it is just over 20 megs in size, then that is a good start.

If not, or if there are multiple copies of it with names that have numbers at the end etc (1) then delete them. Anything that pertains to Talisman4R…

If you now have one copy of the file and it is the correct size, launch SE and it should all be well.

If not, redownload the plugin and manually stick the Talisman4R.seext file in the plugin directory, and then launch SE.

Let me know how you go.

Elliott -

The exclamation mark is part of both fonts. I am not sure what the problem is you are having, but I do not have it.


I would advise you to do the same as Thermoptic.

Thanks Jon. I solved it! I deleted the Talisman4R.seext file. Started Strange Eons to be sure it really was deleted. Then i installed the latest file again. Restarted it. And now it works! I can se the "Newest style token" And also this solved the problem that it showed to copies of the plugin. Great!

Good news. If you recreate your Kappan, you should notice a couple of subtle differences with the character card, namely the art "window" now has the swirl as a transparency etc.