Hi there
Just a quick note to say that I am checking what I have done for bugs, but the latest incarnation of the tool will be uploaded at some point this week, perhaps even this weekend.
What is new…
The menu, showing what you can make for the Revised 4th Edition of Talisman
Lycanthrope cards. The back is generic enough, but you can now have weretoads, werebears, or wereaxalotls…
The newest token template. New style, or classic…
Character or Ending Overlays. Useful for translations or if you just fancy a change…
Dragon Deck, featuring text from the latest competition winner - Bogusz Ostrowski!
Dragon Tokens if you need 'em…
Draconic Lords! Including 3 colour variations if you want to mix it up a bit!
What's next? Well, a full rebuild of the tool to get rid of the terrible coding that I have used over time, including language support and a less convoluted way to have your own expansion icons built in. It might include 300dpi templates too, rather than "just" 150dpi ones that are resized to 300dpi. More on this as it happens.