Random chances to succeed or fail

By Nalydd, in X-Wing

Anybody know what the dice face allocations are?

I was thinking about doing a 'paper' playtest - where I go through the rules without minis and go though different confrontational examples to try out a new game - when I realised that the red and green D8 used in the game could mean anything! We know the symbols and their significance thanks to the rules preview, but not the statistical chance of the outcome.

Is a critical hit less or equally as likely as a normal hit, for example? All hit chances the same as misses? Defense 50/50 or stacked in the favour of the attacker or defender?

It all matters.

Nalydd said:

Anybody know what the dice face allocations are?

To my knowledge, such information has not been released.

Based on the images we see this is what I can deduce:

Defense: 2 Evade, 2 Blank, 1 Focus, 3 Unknown. I think there's at least a 3rd evade.

Attack: 1, Hit, 1 Crit, 1 Focus, 1Blank, 4 Unknown. I think there is a second Crit, but that doesn't make much sense.

Another thing I think we know, based on the "Rule Dispute" box on pg 13 there should be the same amount of Focus icons on both dice.

Looking at the dice box image, I'm pretty sure there are at least 2 blanks on the red dice.

Honestly, I think that the green and red will have the same number of matching symbols.

# evade = # of hits + crits

# blanks green = # blanks red

# focus = # focus

Otherwise, FFG would be balancing one type of die over the other.

My thoughts are:

3 blanks

2 focus

3 evades / 2 hits & 1 crit