I must say, I'm really impressed by the level to which FFG has incorporated feedback. I have just a few final suggestions, most of which I've made before but I think bear repeating.
All specialities should have Common Lore: Imperial Guard as a starting skill. Seems to me the kind of "basic training" everyone would recieve either formally or by associating with the Guard for a long enough time.
The Sergeant specialty should also have Common Lore: War as well CL: Imperial Guard as a starting skill. Sergeants should really know what's going on and have a solid grasp of the rules and regs.
Regiment Doctrines which grant Aptitudes are "better" than those which don't.
I would like to see some clarification on how Specialist Equipment, specifically weapons, interact with the Standard Kit and Main Weapons. (Does an Orgyn get issued or Lasgun or not?)
We need to know how much ammo Specialist Equipment weapons recieve.
Comrades could still use some work. At the very least, I think "Covering Fire" should be an order which all Comrades can use instead of being a special talent bought by Sergeants. I'd also love to see Comrades be able to Assist their Specialists on skill checks (maybe granting a +5 on skill checks).
Those are my thoughts…