Exlusive preview of the VRILL!

By bulldoguk, in Dust Tactics General Discussion



Well, I figured there must be a good reason for that Palente release and you know what it's like when ET's and livestock get together! ;)



You want Vrill? check out this beauty. see the full concept model here

Ah yes the Hecaton…

But in that recent interview with Paolo from Issue #1 of Dust Chronicles, he said that he would be gouing in a less "Therian" direction and more pulpy.

Hope so, while that thing looks cool, it wouldn't really fit with Dust.

I strongly disagree, I think the concept model is awsome! If Palo has his way we will probably have little green men except with boobs!

Well looking at acuall work done by dust factory or whoever is making the models i don't think it would be possible to make such a nice model. And think about price of that thing….

If they used hard plastic the quality of the cast would be much better, and I can't imagine the cost would be much more.

This would also eliminate the bent weapons problem.

Well to make such models on a large scale i guess they would need to get a brand new factory comparing old ones to that beast.And for it to be cost effective they would need to increase the price of models 2 or 3 times. Also look at the model, at all of the small parts. In today production they would all be bended or broken beafore you open the box, also i guess the model would arrive in 20-30 parts to glue by yourself.

IOW, please don't go down the GW route. Top of the line models with intensive details that are wonderful for people who love to spend hours painting every little widget. When what will do the job is models with 10% less detail that cost half the price.