Hey Folks. I'm an old hand at RPGs and this is my first run with Black Crusade, but one of the elements of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe that I was disappointed to see didn't make it into the core rulebook was Enuncia ( http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Enuncia#.UCNoxbRDxVI ). These are my proposed Enuncia rules, and I'd like to see what folks with more experience in the system think of them. They are almost directly cut and dried powers from Rogue Trader with some extra tests involved to keep Psykers from feeling jipped.
Enuncia in Black Crusade
I think this is awesome, my Apostate may have just found a new purpose in life of tracking down and learning at least one of these words.
I like that there are multiple tests required but might suggest that there be even further costs and limits. This basically allows non-psychic characters access to psychic powers. Since the character is going to be trying to harness arcane forces they're not supposed to be accessing, especially without being a psyker by nature, how about giving at least the potential of gaining corruption each time a word is used? This would make them more of a special but dangerous backup in emergencies. It would hopefully stop particularly tough individuals from walking around, muttering under their breaths and pulping everyone else's organs.
Another consideration; add story requirements to gain each word. The character is paying XP to get them but this is rare knowledge and it might be cool to have them have to track down a scroll or make a pact to learn the secret language of the universe.
There's a chance they could get Corruption via the Psychic Phenomena table, but given the conditions this isn't a bad idea and I've incorporated it below. I also added a few caveats for those powers (for instance, nothing can be attempted above twice your Toughness Bonus, and even that's not so great an idea) and a few notes. I also fixed up a few powers so there'll be no DV 1 freebies for +30s on your next test and anything ranged implies you're close enough to just whisper (thematic agreement!). There is also mechanical representation for the damage you'd inflict on your character's mouth using the words and failing your drain tests, which I think is pretty important if this provides a a way to pop your Corruption up real quick. There's also been some formatting and I fixed the typos and misprints.
Thoughts, comments, suggestions, accolades or admonishments?
Enuncia, 1.1
JediMike42 said:
I like the Drain Value idea. I would draw a further parallel to Shadowrun's Magic, and rather then have Drain generate Psychic Phenomenae (which in the Ravenor books it never did, in fact Enuncia was not really Warp Force but something…Else. Granted, Abnett tends more towards Psychic ability being safe to use ad naseum since everyone who has the chance uses them without a second thought - Ravenor, the psychically talkative example that proves the rule) have Drain reflect physical drain associated with bending such a primordial and incomprehensible force to your will. I would have you select a Drain value, and you must pass a Toughness Test. For Drain equal to or below your TB, you suffer Fatigue levels equal to the Drain, for greater then your TB, you suffer Damage and Fatigue equal to Drain.
Enuncia isn't evil, per ce, it simply is. This makes using even a simple, and minor use of one word inflict a -10 penalty to everything a character does until rested or healed. Molotch, among the most brilliant and powerful villains of the Imperium, **** near crushed his own face in and iirc killed a man by reading one to see if it was real. I would say that without practice, and I mean a Tier 3 training talent, you should further inflict a penalty based on the fact that nobody knows anything about Enuncia, and randomize the Drain at which you're uttering the word.
Now, this seems harsh - I know. But, you're giving the world an immensely powerful and uncounterable weapon. Nothing, for instance, would allow a worthless cultist just enough time to set off a suicide bomb in, say, the middle of a Hive's oxygen generators. Uh-oh.
Thank you both for your input! Here is a newly revised Enuncia rule set, better than previous iterations.
Enuncia 1.2
Thank you both for your input! Here is a newly revised Enuncia rule set, better than previous iterations.
Enuncia 1.2...
You and a handful of other forumites (Adeptus-B, HappyDaze, Lightbringer, and others) have been contributing some fantastic effort, and I wanted to extend my appreciation. Excellent stuff here on Enuncia.