A couple of things other people might find useful

By SirRunOn, in Rogue Trader House Rules

Hospital Ship

Hospital ship

Salvage Vessel


I was making these up for my current campaign and noticed, sniffing around, that I didn't see other ones of these available for general use.

Both based on the Jericho mold, with what they needed squeezed in. They'll both need an escort if they're heading into dangerous territory but what Jericho doesn't?

Anyone else have some general use ships to share? I'll put anything up I find myself needing along the way.

have fun,


Oops, found an error in the hospital ship. Should be able to fix it after I post this.

I hope I don't have to note you click on the thumbnails to get to the fullsized images… nah that's too basic.

Gahh, and an error on the salvage ship… -_- ,

Somebody COULD have told me about these things. Is anyone looking?

SirRunOn said:

Is anyone looking?

Nope. gran_risa.gif

*Grabs nameless in headlock, applies NOOGIE!*

Thanx, you make me feel MUCH betta!

I suppose everybody already had their own salvage and hospital vessels just trucking around.

Yep. Though I think my players combined it into one ship. With the names Crew Reclamation Facility and Shadowblind Bays. ;) J/k. But to be honest, I did copy these down into my archive of ships to just randomly use when needed. Thanks for the ideas SirRunOn, I'm sure I will need them sooner or later.

Good work, I'll hold onto these for use in my own games at some point.

Wow...... good necro. Had me fooled for sec.