Alright so as to not let the Weekly Update be completely cluttered with cries for variable settings for all las-weapons I figure it would be prudent to start a thread before it gets out of hand.
Now I think its fair to say that there is quite a bit of celebration in finally getting the Variable Settings for the lasgun and I also agree that more las-weapons should be given that setting.
So I going to start this out with the question of: Which Las-Weapon’s SHOULDN’T get this setting?
While this may be a strange question to ask first I think it’s a good idea to figure out which weapons of the Las Category shouldn’t be given the Variable Setting so that its crystal-clear as to which kind of weapons should be able to.
To start the list of weapons that shouldn’t be given the Variable Setting is the Laslock.
The Laslock is by all means a “poor mans lasgun” its Unreliable by default; has only clip of 1; and has crap for range. By design there would be no way to make such an inferior weapon and give it such an advanced technology as the settings, as that would be kind of an oxymoron…plus the variable settings cost extra-ammo which this gun doesn’t have.
The Triplex Pattern Lasgun is the second on my list. This gun went from being terrible to being a one-stop shop for most Guardsmen as its has so much versatility that this weapon may become a common Favored Based Weapon for many regiments. Its staggering versatility is also why I say it shouldn’t have the variable settings too, it simply makes the weapon way too good; and unless specifically worded it would work with all three settings including the badass “Incineration” mode.
Now this may be only a biased opinion really, some may think that with the otherwise restrictive natural of the Guard that the idea of a “Super” lasgun being a tool of champions is a necessity…and I suppose they would have good point. This one is one is a total Y.M.M.V. one, so what do you think?
Hellguns (err Hot-Shot lasguns) and their pistol counterpart if only because they are suppose to be set up to maximum efficiency by default, but I have something to add to those two (see Hellguns below).
The Lascannon is another though mostly different reasons than above. For starts the weapon is weapon built to attain maximum power and penetration and so idea that it can be set for even MORE POWER is a bit absurd. For more pragmatic reasons the weapon only has 5 shots before it needs to be reloaded and unless your sitting on a stockpile of power packs this lose of ammo is not going to be at all practical. Following the lack of ammo is the problem of scale as each Lascannon shot deals 5d10+10 damage and has a penetration value of 10 as well, any adjustments would have to scale dramatically in order for it to be useful in terms of cost-per-shot and that would likely end in a weapon that is of Game Breaking level.
The Multi-Laser is somewhat like the laslock in that what the weapon is and what it does is the determining factor. The Multi-Laser is (almost exclusively) a tank mounted weapon and its purpose is mostly anti-infantry and suppression fire, taking that into consideration its design requires it to be able to put out a large amount of firepower over long periods of time. Following the Variable Settings this would come conflict with the weapons nature as the weapon loses the ability to sustain fire for more than a few rounds before reloading, so the more powerful shots don’t make up for lack of use.
To show a clearer example why, set on overload a Multi-Laser shot on autofire (its ONLY Rate of Fire) uses up 20 rounds for 5 shots and can only sustain that for 5 rounds. In contrast a normal Multi-Laser can sustain fire for 20 rounds.
Of course, again, Your Mileage May Varry
As I said above I don’t think Hellguns and Hellpistols shouldn’t get the Variable Setting, I did not however say that the don’t need some fine tuning themselves.
As I’m sure many Storm Trooper Players have found the Hellgun is a strangely underperforming weapon for those that spearhead assaults and find themselves knee-deep in trouble. Part of the reason is that while having a 7 penetration is nice, most (if not all) of your foes will have an Armour Value of 4 or 5 at best and will usually have Unnatural Toughness to supplement it, and over penetration has no effect on the Toughness part of a creatures Total TB. In fact a fair number of creatures, particularly Orks, rely on their high Toughness and Unnatural Toughness Rating in order to survive for long and therefore don’t care how much penetration your weapon actually has.
At first I never had much problem until I started getting my ass-kicked by Orks and daemons and with the impending DOOM of Hive Fleet Kraken looming on the horizon it finally dawned on me that the Hellgun wasn’t up for close-quarters shooting against tough targets.
Surprisingly the solution has already been provided for us all by the Triplex Pattern Lasgun, more specifically its ‘incineration’ mode. I’ve been thinking about what this setting was suppose to represent for most of the day, the other two are obvious (the standard lasgun and longlas), and after staring at it and the armoury for a while it finally came to: it was Hellgun-Setting, one for taking down real tough enemies.
And so instead of going into specifics why I think this is a useful trait for the Triplex and whatnot I’m skipping to the chase.
The Hellgun and Hellpistol should have Proven (5) and Felling (4), which should solve quite a bit of problems for most Storm Trooper types.