Good day everyone.
As my topic says, I'm trying to build an ANN community.
As far as I can't do that for the whole of Germany I want to start here in Nürnberg - Fürth -Erlangen. So if you're from this region in Germany send me an message here in the forums or search on Facebook for "Android: Netrunner Nü-Fü-Er".
If we can manage it to build a living ANN community there I would love to take the burden to organize tournaments in our local gamestore or on conventions in the area.
I also ask everyone else in Germany who tries to gather some people for this great game to contact me. Perhaps we can help and support each other, exchange ideas how to build a community and keep it alive. And naturally I'm also happy for everyone else, not only from Germany, who can give me some clues and tips how to get the party started.
Let us all enjoy this great game brought back to life.
Thank you FFG and thank you community.