This is a very experimental deck, not intended to be competitive, and probably not ever going to be competitive. But great fun, I think.
The genesis for the idea was when I throwing Nodens into a couple of my decks on a whim - both because I like the lore, but also because he can be handy for clawing your way back when you're behind. In looking at a couple of recent cards - Ritual of Exclusion and Magical Theorist in particular - I thought, hey, there might be an interesting idea here.
The idea is simple: flood out characters and tomes, power up Ritual of Summoning through sacrifice and/or Magical Theorist, then doom drop either Nodens or Azathoth on the battleground (with the Initiate of Huang Hun standing by to pick up the god of idiots before he loses you the game). After you've cleared the board, fish the characters out of the discard pile with Ritual of Exclusion (powered by Initiate of Huang Hun and/or Master of the Myths) and coast to easy victory.
And then I remembered Dr. Peaslee.
Granted, the Azathoth - Peaslee combination (
) is not going to go off very often, but when it does, it's very likely game over - and the deck is stacked to get the big boys into play as quickly as possible, so it's not impossible.
Anyway, here's the list, comments are welcome.
The Doom Drop
Hapless Graduate Student (THBtS) x3
Research Assistant (***) x3
Rich Widow (PT) x3
Samantha Grace (TTftS) x1
Seeker of Mysteries (SoA) x3
Initiate of Huang Hun (CotJE) x3
Museum Curator (TWB) x3
Magical Theorist (TUP) x3
Marcus Jamburg (***) x2
Master of the Myths (IT) x3
Professor Nathaniel Peaslee (Core) x3
Nodens (KD) x3
Azathoth (SoA) x2
Celaeno Fragments (WaB) x2
Dreamlore Documents (IMoD) x1
Pnakotic Manuscripts (TOotST) x2
T'tka Halot (WaB) x2
Ritual of Exclusion (TUP) x2
Ritual of Summoning (TOotST) x3
Magnetic Spike (NN) x3 Conspiracy
A couple of notes: Samantha Grace is in there to help slow things down a bit, and because I like her, mainly because she's so annoying if the other side doesn't have any way of getting rid of her. Master of the Myths can be a cheap sacrifice in a pinch, because he costs only one to put into play, and you can Ritual him back. There's a ton of support retrieval to keep the Rituals and Tomes in play. And Magnetic Spike is my Neutral-Ground-b-Gone.
If I really wanted to tune it, I'd probably just focus on either flooding/sacrifice or Tomes/Magical Theorist, but right now I'm just playing around, so it's not a particularly finely-tuned deck.
P.S. Hastur is kryptonite to this deck.