Need Help with Axis 250AP Tournament List

By panzerdaddy, in Dust Warfare General Discussion

Hi All,

My LGS is planning for a 250AP tournament.

Unfortunately I was one of the unlucky ones who didn't grab the Core boxed set when it first came out.

So I can't get my hands on the heavy flak and laser grenadiers…as well as Sigrid and Hans walker.

Here's what I'm planning and hope there's other Axis variants lists available.

Dust Warfare - Force Builder
Faction: Axis ( 248 / 250 )

--- Heroes
Angela (30)

--- Sturmgrenadiere Platoon (218)
Upgrade: Extra Panzer Support (10)
Command Section: Kommandotrupp (25)
1st Section: Battle Grenadiers [upgrade] (20)
2nd Section: Battle Grenadiers (17)
3rd Section: Battle Grenadiers (17)
4th Section: Recon Grenadiers (17)
Support: MPW II-B "Ludwig" (40)
Support: MPW II-B "Ludwig" (40)
Support: Sniper Grenadier Team (12)
Support: LPW I-B "Hermann" (20)

You will get a heck of a lot more use out of Heinrich that you ever will with Hermann. Plus, when the SSU helos are on the table Heinrich will be the only real way to deal with them in that list. I know you don't have Lara and Hvy Flak grenadiers as they are in the core set, but do you have access to heavy recon grenadiers or heavy kommandotrupp? The time of not having any AA capabilities are over now and a couple of SSU choppers will massacre all your troops with impunity if you have only a couple Ludwig MGs (which won't do much) and a recon grenadier MG (which won't do much). I think you need the Heinrich in your list. In my last game as SSU I never came out of high altitude once all game and if someone saw your list right before the game they are likely to deploy them empty and just fly them around high killing everything. The Air cav option is only 5 points so even if you decide after seeing the opponents list to ditch the choppers as transports, you are only out 5 points and there are other ways to get the fakyeli to the front lines.

Other than against aircraft, it looks ok to me… good luck.

Hermann seems useless for me. Look at Heinrich instead. And not many anti-troops potion there..

I typically divide my forces into Assault, Support, Defend. I also sub categorize them into Anti - (Infantry, Tank, Aircraft).

For 250 points my suggestion would be:

Dust Warfare - Force Builder
Faction: Axis ( 249 / 250 )

--- Heroes
Angela (30)

--- Sturmgrenadiere Platoon (142)
Command Section: Manfred (15, Hero)
1st Section: Recon Grenadiers (17)
2nd Section: Battle Grenadiers [upgrade] (20)
Support: HPW VI-B "Sturmkönig" (90)

--- Schwer Platoon (77)
Command Section: Heavy Kommandotrupp (35)
1st Section: Heavy Recon Grenadiers (30)
Support: Sniper Grenadier Team (12)


Command Section: Heavy Kommandotrupp (35) - AA, AI

1st Section: Heavy Recon Grenadiers (30) - AA, AI


1st Section: Recon Grenadiers (17) - AI

2nd Section: Battle Grenadiers [upgrade] (20) w/ Manfred attached AI, AT


HPW VI-B "Sturmkönig" (90) AI, AA

Sniper Grenadier Team (12) w Angela AI, AT

IMO, Support as I have defined it can provide excellent long distance suppression to allow defense units to reach scoring positions while assault units can fire to score kills. Also, at 250 your opponent will be hard pressed to bring anything to bear against the SturmKonig, during the first 3 turns.

A third vote for Heinrich. It'll help resolve two issues within your list…

  1. Lack of Anti-Air
  2. Lack of serious Anti-Personnel