Upgrades question

By piecoo, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

1. Corp installs upgrades in remote servers like agenda or asset without telling runner it is an upgrade ? So runner never knows untill it is rezzed ?

2. During run if upgrade was not rezzed do runner still access upgrade and can trash it ? (its not so obvious for me reading rules)

Yes and yes.

In the original NR, there were ambush cards that were upgrades that could be advanced - telling a runner it was an upgrade would give the game away (a large number of advancements would normally mean something like World Domination - an instant win agenda - but on an ambush would do a lot of damage).

Ghost Branch and Aggressive Secretary are also advancable cards which are not Agenda but look like Agenda.

Hang on, just a second. AFAIK upgrades are installed differently than Agendas and Assets, and must be denoted as being an upgrade at time of installation. A hidden card in a node may be an upgrade OR an asset/agenda. Confirmation? This is how I always played.

Upgrades installed in a remote server are installed the same way as assets and agendas. It's possible for a runner to spend a bunch of bits to get to the server only to find out it's actually empty (and trash the upgrade while they're in there).

As has been mentioned already, in Netrunner there were ambush upgrades that could be advanced like agendas and had some effect that triggered when the runner accessed the server. Obviously this only works if the runner has no way to tell if a face-down card is an upgrade, asset or agenda - only ICE is distinctive.

AussieKSU said:

Hang on, just a second. AFAIK upgrades are installed differently than Agendas and Assets, and must be denoted as being an upgrade at time of installation. A hidden card in a node may be an upgrade OR an asset/agenda. Confirmation? This is how I always played.

There is no reason for the Corp to differentiate placement of Upgrades from Assets (Nodes) or Agenda.

However, some Upgrades, most notably Regions, must be installed and rezzed immediately and a given Remote Server can only be in one location at a time.

hooliganj said:

As has been mentioned already, in Netrunner there were ambush upgrades that could be advanced like agendas

No there were not.

There were ambush Nodes.

However, you guys are right. On remote servers, the rules state nothing about a special area to install upgrades, and another to install agendas/assets. Furthermore, the examples of subsidiary data forts ( http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=3432 ) show the upgrade and asset installed with no locational distinction between the two.

I'm thinking of the Node-Ambush cards, rather than the Upgrade-Ambush cards (which still exist, but are not possible to advance), but there is still no distinction between installing Nodes (Assets), Upgrades, and Agendas (except you can only have one Node(Asset)/Agenda, and one regional Upgrade per data fort/remote server)

It's been a long time since I've played NR, apologies for the mistake.

AussieKSU said:

hooliganj said:

As has been mentioned already, in Netrunner there were ambush upgrades that could be advanced like agendas

No there were not.

Yes there were.

Code-Corpse comes to mind. Advancable node that did one Brain Damage per Agenda token on it when accesses.

Sorry, I guess I'm nitpicking the nomenclature. A node is not an upgrade. An agenda is not an upgrade. An upgrade is an upgrade.

Code Corpse was IC if I remeber correctly, not an Agenda, Node or upgrade.

Anyway, I think they've phased out the term "node", atleast as a card type. In order to avoid confusion for people who didn't play the original, I'm talking about old NR.

I think we can close this convo, as the asset/agend vs upgrade placing has been answered. Sorry to sew confusion.

Yeah nodes are now known as assets in FFG Netrunner.