Need Tobin farslayer

By kollie89, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

hey anyone interested in selling me a tobin farslayer? I dont need the character sheet honestly just the actual tobin farslayer figure, someone please respond offering to sell it to me I desperatly need one!

check ebay. I saw it there a week or two ago

Where are you from?

Tobin sells for 3 Euro in Germany and it is still available in many shops.

Im from america,and ive checked ebay unfortunatly i didnt see any up, got any idea how i coud possibly buy it from germany?

Find someone to buy it and send it to you. ;)

Would be around 25 dollar. (private)

Or look at those shops and ask for delivery, most often they don't list non eu states.

Name is: Tobin der Scharfschütze or maybe just look for Tobin Scharfschütze.

I would recommend to ask for the shipping cost.

They are one of the biggest online sellers here and small shops will probably refuse to send oversea.

I could offer to send it, too, but I don't want to be responsible if it doesn't get to you. :)

welll i clicked on your links and unfortunatly cant understand what the sites are telling me -_-

Use Google Translator?

Or just write MilanSpiele an Email:

[email protected]

You want Tobin der Scharfschütze (Promofigur für Descent und Runebound) , you are from the USA and so on… ;)

eBay just had him up. He sold for $51 + &4 shipping.

Or you could find a D&D miniature that is close enough to represent him on the board. Other option is fantasy miniature companies and again find a model to represent him.