what are the chances

By wormiespice, in X-Wing

what are the chances of seeing any promo figures before the release of this game ??? probably will be in the usa only if there are any . I guess i will have to keep an eye on ebay . I think the chances of a promo figure in the UK are slim to none and slim just made the jump to hyperspace

Does FFG do promo figures? I have not heard on them having promos before. I really hope they don't do any promos, that just makes it hard to collect. I could see maybe a special card or something, but I would not want it to be game breaking. Maybe alternative art…



ships or cards , any promos would be a good idea because not everyone can get to celebration 6 or gencon (both in the USA) The rest of the world need to know abut the game and a promo of some type wuld help FFG sell more copies of the game > Again i feel the US get everything by FFG first and everyone else get it when FFG can be bothered . No Celebration 6 or Gencon in the UK

I think that promos would not be a good idea, for two reasons: First, availability. Indeed, distributing outside the US is harder for an US-based company, so we'd have to find promos on the secondary market (or maybe directly from the FFG Store). Second, tournaments (assuming there will be). Either promos would have to be disallowed in tournaments, or their extended availability would have to be guaranteed.

In general, promos are a nice thing to have, but a horrid thing to hunt. I'd much rather see more regular ships and expansions than promos.

I also don't see how promos would sell more of this game. People (including me) are very excited about the game as-is already gran_risa.gif

FFG aren't exactly known for promo stuff and given their stance on trying to reduce the 'difficulty' factor in collecting on lines like their LCGs I can't see why they'd suddenly do it on this.