This is my first attempt at a deck. The goal of this deck is to play efficient characters and gain significant card advantage/tempo advantage to squeak out a victory.
3x Diseased Sewer Rats
3x Stalking Hound
2x Paul LeMond, Tormented Psychic
3x Repo Man
3x Government Exorcist
3x Master of the Myths
3x Grasping Chthonian
3x Harvesting Mi-Go
2x Y'Golonac, The Obscenity
3x Ya-te-veo
2x Victoria Glasser, The Society Hostess
2x Mentor to Vaughn, Without Equal
3x The Seventy Steps, Of Light Slumber
2x Infernal Obsession
3x Shotgun Blast
3x Byakhee Attack
3x Power Drain
2x Demon Lover
2x Thunder in the East
I like having the MotM and Stalking hounds. I usually end up resourcing MotM after 1/2 uses or if I have a Seventy steps in play. The stalking hounds get resourced ~turn three if it becomes obvious the opponent doesn't have tricks.
Thanks for looking.