Just as the title states. I've had the worst game of my OL career to date. I bring this up cause a previous thread went on about how the author thought the heroes could never win it. So let me start from the top with this one.
Building the map, I chose poorly for the open group. I was having fun with it and decided to play Crypt Dragons for a 4-hero quest. Of course those lumbering monsters took up so much room with their 2x3 tile and a 4 space wing span that they could hardly move and the heroes deftly moved around them and destroyed the master rather quickly. The minion dragon soon dropped. After some time, my brother's hero (Landrec the Wise) was hugging the back tile of the entrance and got completely blocked in by a spawning master dragon (that also sparks another question I"m adding the the sticky). After some time they were quick to dispatch the dragons and the flesh moulders.
Lord Merric Farrow apparently had a rough nights sleep cause he couldn't summon a zombie to save his hide (nor his side of the quest). This entire quest for me (the OL) was riddled with rolling too high for skill checks and too low for monster defenses. I was able to get one zombie summoned but sadly he was taken out before he had a chance to enter the cathedral. I was unable to get one zombie into the cathedral at all which left me with a terrible time trying to kill the cardinal and taking out heroes. I sadly ended up losing that quest to those meddling heroes!
On a positive side, Hellhounds are deadly now with 2 surges! (fire breathing and pierce 2)