They changed the Joe & Sigrid figures!?!

By LedZep, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

That's a pic of the 1/35th scale model, the 1/48 Dust Tactics models have always had a laser pistol.

Major Mishap said:

That's a pic of the 1/35th scale model, the 1/48 Dust Tactics models have always had a laser pistol.

When it first was anounced that they would release a joe & sigrid figures and alternates, the alternates sigrid had a luger. I remember. It was before I saw that 1/35 picture…

Don' think so. The alternate Sigrid was just a different colour. The alternate Joe had a different sculpt, without the pistol in hand. I think you're getting your memory mixed up between the alternates and the 1:35.

Changing Sigrid's weapon would require a change in her stat card, making her an alternate unit, instead of a n alternate figure.