Magic Staff question

By suplex, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

When using the surge ability which attacks an additional unit for 1dmg, does that unit get to roll a defense die? Or is it an unavoidable attack?


Don't have the card in front of me right now. Does it actually say "attack"? I would say the damage can't be blocked by defense dice, because it is due to an ability, not an attack roll. I'd feel more confident if they used a word other than "attack" on the card, or used the words "attack roll" in the rules.

"Pg.13: Note: Defense dice are used to cancel damage only during an attack. If an ability causes a figure to suffer damage for any other reason, that figure cannot roll defense dice to cancel any of that damage."

suplex said:

When using the surge ability which attacks an additional unit for 1dmg, does that unit get to roll a defense die? Or is it an unavoidable attack?


No, only units being attacked roll defense. If an ability lets multiple units be attacked, like the Shadow Dragon's breath and Merriods flail, the ability will specify it.

Well that's good to know. Thanks guys.

Pretty good weapon if it does unavoidable damage haha