Greetings, fellow GMs.
Due to the incompetence of my group to grasp the simple principle of subtelty, the loss of an inquisitorial rosette, the unnecessary use of firepower to cripple innocent civilians, causing traffic accidents (again through inappropiate use of firearms), and ignoring any warnings from NPCs (and ignoring my friendly words as a GM) i plan to send them to Kulth.
For those who don't know: the planet Kulth is now in his 83rd year of war with the savage greenskins (aka Orcs).
Sine they like shooting and hacking around so much i plan to give them exactly what they (seem to) desire. I will of course give them once or twice the opportunity to get of the planet to get back to real investigation, but if not ...
I have allready plans for IG characters,
the senior office with personal ties to the Ordo Haereticus who knows what stupidities they have done,
a junior officer, who likes to play with his toys (he has 3 plasma pistols, think of a 'Revolver Ocelot' from MGS 3)
of course a craaaaazy Big Mek, a big bad WaaaaghBoss, and a whole lot of green, bad, loud, obnoxious Orks!
Any suggestions? i'm still open ^^