Konnigluther V Shermans

By Major Mishap, in Dust Tactics

I've been making a few cards for my Gorgi 1/50 models and had an idea for a scenario so I thought I'd try both out at the same time, not a good idea really :)

The Allies using only WW2 equipment are ambushed while crossing 2 bridges, they had to get units off table for double victory points.

The Forces

ALLIES had: AEC armoured car, Sherman 'Jumbo', 2 Shermans, AA Half track, Command vehicle (allows Command Group to issue orders while embarked) and 5 M3 half tracks each loaded with a different Allied A2 unit, Joe and Chef. 400pts

AXIS had, Konnigsluther, Jagdluther, and all the A3 units, snipers and Lara (300pts) giving an old v high-tec battle.

The Battle

The Allies had to deploy all their units in column on the bridges. The Axis would deploy as normal with the exception that if a unit was deployed on turn 1 they would still get 2 more activations to represent the surprise of ambush. They can also be activated but not deployed.




Unfortunately the battle was very one-sided and the Allies were wiped out pretty quick, I think their deployment was partly to blame by having the tanks up front rather at the rear giving long ranged fire support for the infantry. So we started again minus the Jadluther, this made a big difference (as expected) wwith the Allies scoring 115pts and the Axis 118pts including a destroyed Konnigsluther.

The Cards

Here's the Sherman cards. I've kept them at a speed of 1 as their speed is the norm for WW2 tanks. I've given the guns the Reload trait as they did not have auto-loaders like the walkers and we need to keep their firepower inferior to a walker. I've also ignored the co-ax MG's otherwise they would be to powerful against infantry unless we add in arcs of fire and either change or add more rules for the co-ax's like firing at the same target as the main gun, which would not be fired together anyway. So, instead of adding and changing game rules, I've ignored them.

Sherman2.jpg Sherman.jpg

And the half tracks:

M3halfTrack.jpg M3AA.jpg

Very nice cards and a good scenario.

Very cool set up. Give us a full on bat rep next time though!! happy.gif

The first thing that I saw was that your 75mm does less damage to troops than your 76mm. In WWII the 75 fired a High Explosive round that was good at taking out troops, but did not have a good Anti Tank round for most of the war. The 76mm was the anti tank gun but did not have a HE round so did not do a good job attacking troops.