Hey guys, new player here hailing from Anaheim. I go to my local store, Brookhurst Hobbies, but have been buying up all their merch! Ha ha. Anyways, I was curious if anyone happened to be in the same area and new of any hobby stores that sold these??? Most of the other stores I've been to like Prestige Hobbies, Hobbytown USA, etc, are only model building and/or cards. No tabletop. I'm gonna check out Dicehouse later, but any other suggestions would be great! Thanks!
Where to buy in Orange County, CA?
Brookhurst Hobbies is probably your best bet in the OC. I've heard of Dicehouse Games but have no idea what they have. Why did you want to find a new store?
If its a matter of selection at Brookhurst Hobbies, you can always ask them to put in a special order for you, as long as its non-premium Dust. You can also look at some online stores. The online stores are often less expensive, though you might have to wait a little longer for your order.
If you want to find other players, then you might have to look a little more. I don't think I've ever seen anyone play Dust at Brookhurst Hobbies. You might try FFG's community wizard, ask in the forums here, or ask a game store to let you run a demo so you can introduce the game to some people.
There is ComicQuest in Lake Forest (just off El Toro and the 5, on Bridger). They do not discounts, though.
There is a new store called Mercenary Market in Costa Mesa, off the 55 on Fairview. Not to be confused with Miniatures Market. I was there last week, they have a huge selection of Dust models. They do not discount either. They do, however, have LOTS of space for in-store gaming.
Brookhurst is the only hobby retailer in the OC area who offers discounts, they're also the 2nd worst customer service due to some of their employees who couldn't care less about you if you aren't a regular. ComicQuest is worse if you have to deal with the owner; the other employers are good.
Only Mercenary Market offers any real opportunity for in-store gaming.
Are you against buying online? i haven't seen anyone beat Miniture Markets prices and fast delivery. I grew up going to brookhurst hobbies. I visited when I came home for xmas last year.
Say hi to Henry!
Maine said:
There is ComicQuest in Lake Forest (just off El Toro and the 5, on Bridger). They do not discounts, though.
There is a new store called Mercenary Market in Costa Mesa, off the 55 on Fairview. Not to be confused with Miniatures Market. I was there last week, they have a huge selection of Dust models. They do not discount either. They do, however, have LOTS of space for in-store gaming.
Brookhurst is the only hobby retailer in the OC area who offers discounts, they're also the 2nd worst customer service due to some of their employees who couldn't care less about you if you aren't a regular. ComicQuest is worse if you have to deal with the owner; the other employers are good.
Only Mercenary Market offers any real opportunity for in-store gaming.
I know this is a late response, but I just want to say I'm glad it wasn't just me (About your comment on the customer service). They have given me a discount on my big purchases, but about 2-3 of their employees there that I've purchased from were definitely VERY unfriendly, I thought. Didn't say much during one of my purchases, very drab attitude (Not trying to pick on the person, just felt very unwelcoming). The one that really bugged me though, one night my bro and I were at Brookhurst and we were looking at paints with a basket full of Dust models. One of the big guys shouted to us, "Guys, those are already pre painted." First off, he's wrong, they're only pre primed. Secondly, the way he said it was rather startling, and finally, something niche like table top gaming (Especially in west coast)----why would you try and shy away your sales and customers?? Luckily the other employee corrected him right away, and helped us out.
Just my two cents!