My first question concerns the Elan ability "Natural Mystic" gained from Erebus. How do the wise people of this forum believe this ability works? It reads that it provides the character knowledge of all Innate magic spells equal to his Elan level and provides two times his Elan level in Zeon per day with which to cast them. It doesn't say if this follows the normal rules for casting magic (accumulation and such), if this Zeon regenerates at the normal speed ( Character's Magic Accumulation a day) or if it follows its own rules and refreshes every day? It's a bit vague and I'm wanting to get clarification.
Second question concerns the Free Access Spell "Innate Magic". It states that it increases the Innate magic potential of an area by 30 points. I have a player who wants to center the spell on himself and raise his innate magic by 30 at all times, allowing him to throw out attack spells like crazy for no cost. Do you guys think this was the intention with this spell?
Third, I have another player who keeps trying to get me to make all magic that affects another character (even Spiritual and Effect spells) visible to normal people. He seems to believe that it is imbalanced that Effect spells aren't visible. I'm of the opinion that all those spells give a Magic Resistance check. Therefore, you really aren't supposed to be able to roll a defense against them easily. I don't see why a Mage would have to spend the slowest replenishing resource in the game for something that his enemy gets two chances to defend against. He's actually better off just spellbombing everything with damage under those rules, and I don't want that.