Weapons wielded by Daemons

By Brother Techmarine Harkus, in Black Crusade Rules Questions


during our last session we killed a Plaguebearer in an area where the veil between reality and the warp was very thin. Do the Daemons possessions stay in the reality or do they get sucked back in the warp along with the foul essence of the Daemon itself?

DAemon get sucked back into the warp?

All is dust!


This has been discussed before, and the claims were on both ends.

Our GM was smart and made a compromise of this: The weapons wielded by daemons do vanish, UNLESS a PC goes and manages to grab the weapon. This happened in dark heresy.

But in the end, this is GM call.

Do the Daemons possessions stay in the reality or do they get sucked back in the warp along with the foul essence of the Daemon itself?

Yes. gran_risa.gif

This is Chaos. We don't do 'constant ruling' here.
Flip a coin: Heads, it stays in reality. Tails, it goes to the warp. Edge, it turns into a custard pie.

Cifer said:

Flip a coin: Heads, it stays in reality. Tails, it goes to the warp. Edge, it turns into a custard pie.

I like pie. I guess I'll get me some glue and prepare a special coin babeo.gif

Anyway, thanks for the fast answer :)

And that's when called shots to the wielding arm got very, very popular.

I remember awhile back when playing Death Watch, fighting a Khornate Daemon Prince. We were able to blast it's arm off that was wielding the axe. It still had a weapon on the other arm, and was beating the tar out of the assault marine and the Wolf Priest. After a while and a horrible perils of the warp test. We all knocked out after reaching critical damage (Thank the God Emperor for fate points). It was the assault marine that delivered the final blow, after all of us were reawakened. The only thing that was left was the axe the daemon prince's lost limb.

It happens sometimes and mostly it's up to the GM. Mine rolled to see if it disappeared with that Daemon or not (90+) and he passed.