Worth getting Cyclone or Zverograd? I have core revised, all other scenarios and ton of units

By TallDwarf, in Dust Tactics

I am wondering if it is worth getting Cyclone or Zverograd?

I have Core Revised, almost all other units, Blue Thunder, Seelowe and Cerebus.

What would be the pluses/minuses of picking up these expansions in terms of units, map tiles and the included scenarios. I don't get to play as often as I would like but hopefully that will increase this year as I have introduced some friends to the game. Too bad we are all very busy with work, lives and family.

I do enjoy the scenarios though and the storyline included.

I will probably pick up Hades when that ships since it brings new ideas to the game.


Take care and have a great day.

I liked Operation Cylone and think it's worth Getting, Manfred is a good hero for the Axis, espcially at the time when they had no Fast units and Rosie is pretty useful to. The maps are also unique in you get 3 landing craft tiles an a sub taking up 3 tiles. The scenarios were pretty good to.

Thanks Major. The sub and land craft looked good, my son and I also like the scenarios and the storyline behind them.

Last week for his bedtime story he wanted some of the background fluff from Seelowe.

Take care and have a great day.

While I don't have Operation Zverograd yet, I already know I will get it sooner or later because I read in several topics about the cool scenarios. Plus, there are rules for adding the included hero and walker to your army even if you aren't playing SSU.

??! said:

While I don't have Operation Zverograd yet, I already know I will get it sooner or later because I read in several topics about the cool scenarios. Plus, there are rules for adding the included hero and walker to your army even if you aren't playing SSU.

That's right, you play a scenario and whoever wins gets to use Koska and her walker, the other side gets to use a spy which is enhanced stats for one of your heroes. The scenarios are also linked in more with an advantage being given to the winner of the previous scenario. And on the last scenario each side gets certain bonuses depending on what scenarios they have won during the campaign.

Hi All

At the risk of thread necromancy; I bought Cyclone over the holidays, but for the campaign scenarios in the book the APs available are obviously the old ones. I cant seem to find a list of updated points values and it doesnt seem to be in the FAQ.

Is there a list of updated APs for scenarios/campaigns under the new points system? If not I can always just create points values - multiply by 10 seems easy - but i am guessing these are balanced at a certain points value, so would be useful to know what the designers intended.


The Operation SeeLowe rulebook has the revised point costs for the scenarios on page 14.

Awesome! Thanks Krieg.

That would explain why I remembered reading one somewhere….

??! said:

While I don't have Operation Zverograd yet, I already know I will get it sooner or later because I read in several topics about the cool scenarios. Plus, there are rules for adding the included hero and walker to your army even if you aren't playing SSU.

This just convinced me to buy Operation Zverograd. I assumed it was more SSU centric, and the hero and walker would go to waste since I'm not playing SSU (at the moment). But, if I get to use them anyway ….. I'm in!