Regiment Creation Rules: Change the budget from 12 points to 10 points (10 is a much better, rounder and logical number) and to make the system exactly the same reduce the cost of all the home worlds and origins by 1 and commanding officers by 1. This will have the exact same result.
For additional standard kit items, add some details to what the limitations mean, to avoid confusion.
Character creation: A variation of the mercy rule from Warhammer Fantasy 2E would be nice.
Heavy Gunner: Should be +5S not +5T
Sergeant: Shouldn’t have Command, Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) or Air of Authority. Sergeants are usually raised from amongst the rank and file who either proved themselves through bravery or just living longer than everyone else. Skills like Intimidate make more sense for them and talents that revolve around survival or team work (team up anyone?). Skills like command and talents like Air of Authority should be left for an Officer specialty not a NCO class. You can save yourself lots of work by changing the specialty to Officer and not that it covers both commissioned and non commissioned officers.
Weapon Specialist: Change to simply Specialist. Either allow one or two additional characteristics to be picked from or make it +3 to characteristic of choice. Allow to pick one basic skill or choice and remove fellowship from the list and let them pick one aptitude of choice. Make them a general specialist for all “other” possible military roles, so scout and spy and chef and vox operator and standard bearer and weapon specialist can all fit in one nice class.
Commissar: Too much to talk about, will send separate email to cover that.
Ogryn: Should be a homeworld not a specialty. Just with a narrow specialty options (such as Heavy Gunner only)
Ratling: Should be a homeworld not a specialty. Just with a narrow specialty options (such as specialist only)
Storm Trooper: +5 BS not +5 T.
Specialties should be placed after the creation/advancement rules so you read how it works before you read what you can be. It’s an esthetic thing that’s all.
Recommended Advancement tables: These are skills and talents that characters are considered to have one additional aptitude in, so they will be at least buying them as if they had one aptitude in them and often as if they had two aptitudes (if they already have two, good for them). Or each should cost a flat rate of 100 or 200XP unless their aptitudes make it less.
Would like to have options to create a simple past: ie, ways to gain bonus XPs at a cost of reduced starting wounds (+100 XP per wound lost), fate points (+200 XP per Fate Point) or starting with Insanity, Points (+100 XP per 1D10 or 2D5 IP) or Corruption Points (+100 XP per 1D5 CP). These can represent past campaigns, battles or flavorful backgrounds. Maybe even port in the MISSING LIMB XP equation. I think it was in Dark Heresy where you can loss limbs and eyes and you gain a penalty that you can buy off with XP. Allow these as starting character “disadvantages” but if they attempt to replace or remove the penalty with cybernetics they have to pay the XP cost to “get used or become skilled with” the new tech.
Skills: Much like there is a dodge and parry skill, I am a big fan of making weapon talents into skills. So you use have your BS/WS if unskilled, your full WS/BS if trained and gain the +10, +20 and +30 as with normal skills (and perhaps even the talented talent for +10 more). Or you can do blanket skills like Shoot (BS) and Strike (WS).
Talents: Lightning attack should go back to the Dark Heresy styles as should Swift Attack.
Aptitudes: Can you learn new ones? Do they cost lost of XPs to get additional Aptitudes (1000XP)?
New Specialties: I would recommend adding the following: Officer (unless you redo the Sergeant and rename it Officer), Scout (unless you redo the Weapon Specialist and rename it Specialist), Technician (unless you redo the Weapon Specialist and rename it Specialist) and Grunt (normal, everyday guardsman aptitudes of BS, WS, Offence, Defense, STR and Toughness with +5 SP, talents and skills as deteremined).