After some further games with the basic Reich and Union chars, I got some new questions. Maybe they have extensivly
1.) If a character has a token with the declarition "always use your best attack/stamina value", does this count for counter attacks too ?
2.) If a mental duel (Pathmos Amulet) with Hermann Heinzinger was successfull, is he allowed to :
- Throw a grenate with the defeated hero (like the bomb of Tala) ?
- Is he allowed to move the enemy character into a "bull rush", which might end in a free attack ?
3.) Can mental attacks (like Hermanns Pathmos) find targets stading in a path with an aktive smoke granate ?.
4.) Can McNeal throw a granate into a smoke filled path, due to his goggles ?
5.) What happens if everybody wants to set his last two characters on Overwatch (This happend ! :-) ) ?
6.) A character wants to pass 2 enemys (which are adjacent to each other -→ no free cirlce between them). So he is forced to bull-rush 2 times, with seperate dice rolls. What happens if the first roll passes successfull and the second is lost ? Where shell the bullrushing character be placed and how many free attacks shell be executed ?
7.) Is it allowed to shake of a received Hand-to-Hand wound after the shockroll ?
8.) Playing the game mode "King of the hill", every player starts with 3 CP's. These enable him to reinforce a dead troup each round. Is there a limitation how many times a troup can re-enter ? The reviesed rules say "no-→ its limitless".
9.) If a reinforcment troup enters again, do they really regain all their equipment , especially granates (this was horrible!!!) ? I wrote, that they are allowed to change the type of "pack", but I found no explicit rule, that forbids to re-enter with full equipment.
This are a lot of basic questions, but I hope that you find time to answer them. I'm very thankfull for your support.