Ok so basically to start I have had horrible examples for gm's. First one was making rules up all over the place, and did things that space marines would never do such as using xenos tech to better themselfs. Second one was like, here basic rules. Now lets make everything super op and ruin the game.
Now I tried to do my campaign. But I screwed up and let them level way too fast and baically they killed everything that moved on my campaign. Mostly the 2 psykers on the team. They got to the point where it was impossible to kill them because they blew up everything and unless I went rediculously cheap mode then I would just get yelled at. They ALWAYS pushed like out of 30 cast they didnt push 1. Summoned 2 demons and mostly the only ones that ever got hurt from it were teammates with bad willpower. I had this important story plot of a blood angel rank 8 joining them to make sure they finished it, turned out he had fallen to chaos and had gained pskyer abilites so he betrayed them in the end. After all the mission to get that set up I couldn't beat them with anything except him who I made stupidly powerful like psy rating of 14, straight 90 stats etc. So how do I balance out all this.
1. How much expereience should I give GENERALLY per mission? I've been giving like 3k ish a mission. Too much? Little?
2. How long should a mission last on average, mine were sometimes upward of like 8 hours easy. I doubt any mission should be that long but you never know.
3. How do I balance out psykers on the team? Most enemies explode on contact with them and they even outrange them.
4. What should the psyker ration on a team be allowed? With bascially 10 players I allowed 2 psykers but felt too overpowered.
5. What are good enemies and numbers of enemies to throw at a squad at early levels? I'll have like 6-8 people this go around for gming and I'd like to know.
I'll think of more questions soon but these are what I have now