Is anyone feeling the same as me about the hero Shiver? I find him extremely powerful, maybe a bit too much. Aura 4 means the Aura special ability extends 4 spaces away from the hero (if I understand correctly). Any monsters with melee attacks like Ferroxes, Beastmen, Wendigo, Kobolds, etc will have to go through up to 4 hazardous spaces before attacking him, meaning up to 4 wounds. I say "up to" because monsters may have spawned within the aura or Shiver may have moved toward a crearture in his turn (if the hero player is stupid enought to do that). So, melee attacks againsts him are pretty much useless and makes those monsters look like kamikaze. So, we are left with Magic and Ranged... wich, to stay off of the Aura, must score up to 5 range pts on the dice if they are not already inside the aura. And that's pretty tough to obtain.
So the other Heroes just have to stay bunched near Shiver and will receive good protection as well. Of course, freak accidents like boulders and such can happen but they do not happen every turn and sometimes never in a game. After a few games, I noticed the Aura 4 ability is particularly strong when the hero is in rooms, open spaces or long straight corridors, as monsters have more difficulty spawning near him.
So, I'm beginning to resent this guy. Not hate, just resent. Does anyone feel the same as me about him?