NEWB! Right here! Help lol

By mikehoughton, in Dust Warfare General Discussion

Hi Guys, Im Mike.

I love gaming, I have been playing Heroclix since its inception, and 40k for the last 10 years.

I just found Dust and was wondering if someone could give me the breakdown of the game.

Dust Tactics= Boardgame with a map

Dust Warfare= Table Top

Who can we order models through if we were a store?

What expansions/campaigns have came out? Are they for the boardgame or the tabletop game or both? I notice some have some of the unique characters, is that the only way to get them?.

Have there been any delays in models being released? Are there things listed in the Warfare book but arent available yet or have sold out?


mikehoughton said:

Hello Mike,

I'm a newb as well but have been reading up on everything I can get my hands on. I will try to answer your questions

I just found Dust and was wondering if someone could give me the breakdown of the game.

Dust Tactics= Boardgame with a map

Dust Warfare= Table Top

Yes you have the two types of play right. Most people will be playing dust warfare but you might find some that want to play the later.

Who can we order models through if we were a store?

If the store has a distrubiter they can order from them, also they can go with Alliance as they are the biggest one that I know of

What expansions/campaigns have came out? Are they for the boardgame or the tabletop game or both? I notice some have some of the unique characters, is that the only way to get them?.

I think they made like 8 expansions for the game but most of them are for the Dust Tactics game and not Dust Warfare. As of late this is the only way to get the unique characters for the game. I Think they want you to get the whole box expansion set for the two figures but who knows.

Have there been any delays in models being released? Are there things listed in the Warfare book but arent available yet or have sold out?

As of right now the Main Core box set is Out Of Stock and who knows when it comes in stock anywhere. You can do what I did is get the Core Revised and also the Dust Warfare book and start that way and just purchase models online from ebay or any other place you want too.


I hope this helps you

You can go to the product links on the DT & DW pages to see what's released and what's coming up.

You are right in your catagorising of the 2 games but I prefere to say that DT is a wargame that uses a grid to measure ranges as I use the same tabletop, the same scenery and the same models for both games. As an ex-40K player DW may be more your game but play DT if you want something a bit simpler to play but still very tactical.

Warfare is the tabletop game using the same models as tactics, the boardgame (but its more of a grid based wargame more than a boardgame ). Every single model that is in the core rulebook for the axis and allies has models available for it. The same goes with the Zverograd expansion book with the exception of the two SSU helos which should be available soon. There are tons and tons of models available for the 3 factions that are out right now, which is great for a game that is barely 6 months old. There are hero boxes containing 3 heroes in a box and the rest can only be bought in the campaign expansion boxes. While the campaign boxes are geared towards the tactics game more than warfare (warfare is only a few months old afterall) the hero models inside are fully playable in warfare. Some boxes contain some really nice terrain pieces in them that are great for your tabletop gaming as well whereas others are just usefulo for the heroes inside. But it is the only way to get those certain heroes at the moment. There are also a couple of heroes only available in the core starter set… a set that is an outrageously good deal where you get two complete starter armies, each with a hero, for a great price. It only contains a rulebook for tactics though… the warfare rulebook is a seperate thing. Everything is more or less packaged for tactics, then you have the warfare rulebook that gives you tabletop rules for all the tactics models for the axis and allies and the newly released Zverograd warfare book gives rules and stats for the SSU faction and for the newer axis and allies units that came out in the months since the warfare rulebook. Since the warfare rules have only been out for a feww months, that should tell you how fast new units are being released… for some here on the internet its never fast enough or good enough, but, if you ask me, the number of playable models for a tabletop game that is barely half a year old is staggering… and there are already a number of new models already announced to be on the way with a new faction scheduled for next year.