Need dust warfare help making an axis list

By Vandingo, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

ive been playing the tactics and want to move into the warfare side of the game and need some help making lists. i have about 2 weeks to practice with a couple buddies before a LGS is having a small tournement. i can kind of figure out what might be good but id like some advice from people who have played it quite a bit. in other games like WH and WH40k i tend to like playing with flexibility/redundancy and tend to like shooty armies. i need to have a 300 and 500 point list for the tournement. i guess its some escalation in points for the later championship rounds.

here is what i have in AXIS

dust core set

dust revised core set


heavy recon

heavy kommand

kommand squad



im basically looking for a decent all comers list but not sure if i should go heavy troops or more regular troops with a couple of walkers and not sure what does well in competative play. any help would be great thanks.