What are you guys running?
LCG Greyjoy
Specifically, what resources are you running? Whenever I look at a possible LCG Greyjoy deck, I run right smack into the wall of 3x Sunset Sea, 3x Crossroads, 1x @Streets and... uh...
To me, those 9 cards aren't enough. And 2 gold for something like a Temple of Graces OOH seems like a huge disadvantage.
ktom said:
Specifically, what resources are you running? Whenever I look at a possible LCG Greyjoy deck, I run right smack into the wall of 3x Sunset Sea, 3x Crossroads, 1x @Streets and... uh...
To me, those 9 cards aren't enough. And 2 gold for something like a Temple of Graces OOH seems like a huge disadvantage.
Littlefinger's two gold would help. And you could pay 3 gold for a Lannisport Weaponsmith... ouch.
I could imagine a Summer Martell since the gold bonus and high income plot could help, but I cant see any way of playing Greyjoy with Winter agenda. You would drop like one character each round.
For example in our Meta our NW alowed the use of Martell and Greyjoy Fiefdoms to help the Houses a little and we all agreed to that.
Rozy said:
I could imagine a Summer Martell since the gold bonus and high income plot could help, but I cant see any way of playing Greyjoy with Winter agenda. You would drop like one character each round.
For example in our Meta our NW alowed the use of Martell and Greyjoy Fiefdoms to help the Houses a little and we all agreed to that.
Well, yes, that would change things immensely. So would access to key house characters, which are the two things that these houses are lacking in LCG at present.
It seems there are quite a few acceptable cards for Greyjoy at present, but like Martell you end up running more than a few neutrals. Unless you can get your gold curve up, Winter is a hard season to build around. You need to keep your gold curve low, and definitely not over-extend, and use resets to your advantage. The Rookeries actually help Martell and Greyjoy, I find, as you can cycle back your resets faster. Vale Rookery is almost the best in this case, since it doesn't require a "win by 4" to activate, just losing Dominance, which can actually be played for.
With the new Chapter pack there is no reason not to run Alannys, Mance Rayder and King Balon's Host. Fishing Net is a great control card, and even if you don't run winter Ice Fisherman is nice claim soak.
There are plenty of good neutrals in the format at present: Carrion Bird, all Night's Watch characters + Ghost, Arthur Dayne, etc.
"With the new Chapter pack there is no reason not to run Alannys, Mance Rayder and King Balon's Host."
Did a search after I saw this... and can't find any LCG Alannys? Did you mean a different character? Just curious as I've been working on a Greyjoy deck, and was already trying to get Mance and King Balon's Host in there, and if there's a way to do it better, that'd be awesome.
Alannys Greyjoy. Greyjoy, Unique. 2 Gold, 2 STR. Int, Pow. Queen, House Harlaw. If there is another Queen character in play, Alannys Greyjoy cannot attack, defend, or trigger her character ability. Any Phase: Kneel Alannys Greyjoy to choose an opponent. If that opponent does not kneel a character with higher STR than Alannys Greyjoy, discard a card at random from his or her hand. –F89
via JJ, here: new.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_foros_discusion.asp
Ah, Duh. Tzumainn just doesn't have the full list for Refugees of War up yet. I've got the packs... but she totally didn't ring a bell as being in there. Thanks Lars. (and JJ.) :-)
I bit the bullet and built an LCG Greyjoy using Great Keeps, essentially at 2 gold. It's a Kings of Winter deck, so I'm probably going to need to rework plots for a little bit better of a gold curve.
I have to say, I was surprised at how well it worked. Winter Armada is quite the star. And Fishing Net is actually pretty serious character control. (Maester Cressen out-of-House is beginning to look viable in LCG!) Having looked a little more seriously at the card effects available to GJ in the chapter packs (plus the neutrals available in LCG), I'd have to say that the only thing stopping GJ from being a very serious House in the LCG environment is their own, in-House basic resources.
The biggest "problem" for me as a long-time GJ player was... no saves.
There are some fun things in there but lack of repeatable saves has me leary of Stark and Valar. I also miss my mill.