It's an intriguing theory, but it relies on cherrypicking.
Looking at codex material, the Custodes outside the throne room wear armour as they are responsible for palace security. There is however an inner circle dubbed "Companions" (Codex Imperialis) or simply "the Three Hundred" (6E core rulebook), consisting of 300 elite Custodes (permanently assigned, not rotating), and it is these who function as the bare-chested honour guard for the Emperor's dessicated hull.
Said rulebook, by the way, also notes that the Warp rift is "kept closed" by the Emperor, although I generally find the notion of 300 bare-chested elite troops spending 10,000 years fighting a secret war with millions of horrible daemons from the Warp right beneath the Imperial Palace in general slightly exaggerated .
It all comes down to just how epic or realistic we want to see this setting, however, which is why the theory on 1d4chan is still an entirely valid idea. I may not appreciate this sort of "power level" in the heroes, but even I have to admit that there is something cool about such a war fought in complete secrecy.
The "epic vs realistic" notion also applies to this thread in general, of course. It can be summed up as having to pick between the heroic battles of the Horus Heresy novels, and the GW main studio's somewhat "tamer" representation. Just like one of them tells us that Primarchs can supposedly stand up to Titan-grade weapons, whilst in the other they are put n mortal danger by a random trooper with a plasma gun (then again, even the Emperor was almost killed by an ork).