Hi there!
So I am a new(ish) GM in Deathwatch, and I have three questions.
First off a fluff related question:
When NPC (who isn't a space marine) addresses one of my players (a Battle brother), what title will they use?
I went with sir, but it sounds kinda weird, especially when it comes from a high ranking person like an Inquisitor or
General or such.
So basically; how do your NPCs address your players?
Second question is game mechanics related:
My squad of players are very gung ho. They rarely use any tactics. So how do I get them to act more Space marine-like
and not just storm into whatever environment is laid out in front of them? How do you use the tactics skill?
Third question:
This adds to my second question. So my players were fighting a big horde of mutants and slaves. I got them bogged down
in combat and the situation started to look a bit bleak for them. Then one of them figured out that their own frag grenades
can't harm themselves. So they started to just pull the pins out of frag grenades and dropping it in front of them. Leaving them in
a crater of mutant parts and themselves being fine.
Did we get something wrong here, or can a marine's own frag grenade not harm himself?