Using skills

By Exarkfr, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

When using an basic skill untrained, you have to halve your Characteristic :
- do you round down (as per p96)
- or do you round up (as per p182) ?

p183 suggest that Perception should be used to notice an ennemi, locate a secret door, gauge a person.... Shouldn't that fall under Scrutiny, Search, and Awareness (which are all basic skills) ?

We have always used the "round up" ruling since it is much more prevalent throughout the numerous situations you encounter in the rulebook.

And we have also always used awareness in lieu of just perception when it comes to spot something at a distance or hear a faint noise, and so on. I suppose you could make the argument that you don't really need any formal training to use your senses, but it has, and continues, to work well for us. Especially in the case of awareness since this skill is readily available at the first advancement for every class except adepts (who can get it at their 2nd) and tech-priests (who seem to be oblivious throughout their entire career).

My GM also allows us to round up. I think in the rules it mostly states "round up" when necessary.

p183 suggest that Perception should be used to notice an ennemi, locate a secret door, gauge a person.... Shouldn't that fall under Scrutiny, Search, and Awareness (which are all basic skills) ?

IH reiterates that one should use Perception for most basic stuff and grant bonuses to those with skills. For me, that's essentially conceding that the Basic Skills system is screwed up (which it is - your generic person has a 25% chance of succeeding on "routine" rolls. Let's hope we never get to the "Challenging" areas...)

OK, thanks