Booby Trap

By Misnerdastud, in Wiz-War

I'm really surprised noone has asked this yet. The card booby trap seems very vague and i'm looking for more clarification.

The text reads:" Look at the 4 trap tokens and place them facedown on 4 different empty squares on the gameboard. If an enemy wizard or creature enters a square with a trap token, flip the token faceup. If it shows a trap, the wizard or creature suffers 4 magical damage (this is not an attack). Then, discard all trap tokens and this spell ends. If the trap token is blank, discard it. If dispelled, each trap token muct be dispelled separately.

When you look at the trap tokens though, all 4 of them have the same face of the trap on it. how do you differ which booby trap is the actual booby trap? aside from marking it with a pen or something?

Now, that ive just posted this I think i've figured it out. One of the booby traps on the blank non painted side is colored different than the other traps. So essentially the traps are played face-up and when turned over will reveal the actual booby trap. Geez go figure id realize it as soon as I posted.

Misnerdastud said:

Now, that ive just posted this I think i've figured it out. One of the booby traps on the blank non painted side is colored different than the other traps. So essentially the traps are played face-up and when turned over will reveal the actual booby trap. Geez go figure id realize it as soon as I posted.

It's okay. As long as no one replies to this post, it will fade away into obscurity….

Oh, ****.


I do it this way too. So you can show yourself ^^

The player looks the token and then put it facedown (the others wizards don´t know where the real trap is)