I've been thinking about one of the new cards from the latest AP, the Three Bells. The idea is to use it for bringing Shub-Niggurath into play which could then set off her spawn (which has been sacrificed into the discard pile for that to happen). A decklist:
3x Twilight Cannibal
3x Ya-te-veo
3x Collector of sacrifices
3x The Mage Known as Magnus
1x Ferocious Dark Young
3x Grasping Chthonian
3x Watcher of the Woods
3x Hungry Dark Young
3x Ancient Guardian
2x Y'Golonac
1x Small Ghouls
3x Shub Niggurath (Dark Misstress …)
1x Nyogtha
1x Shudde M'ell
2x Thunder in the East
3x Burrowing Beneath
3x Shocking Transformation
3x Snow Graves
3x The Stone on the Peak
3x The Three Bells
Some comments on the cards and their function:
The Mage Known as Magnus: Shub Niggurath actually has to be in the discard pile for this to work ;-) By his action, it is possible to get rid of 1 opponent character as a nice addition. This can be virtually any non-AO, since Shub costs 6.
Ancient Guardian: The Three Bells is slow, it needs to exhaust 4 times to bring Shub into play. The Guardian shall speed things up.
Collector of Sacrifices should work nice with my characters leaving play because of The Three Bells.
Y'Golonac and Grasping Cthonian (support destruction) are powerful just by itself.
Ya-te-veo is slowing down rush decks, hopefully.
Small Ghouls, Nyogtha and Shudde M'ell are there to fuel the Mage. They are also a back-up character if I couldn't draw Shub. If playing against a Things in the Ground deck, they are also nice to have.
The rest of the characters are just Dark Youngs or cheap (Twilight Cannibal).
The Stone on the Peek helps against discard decks and possibly could bring back The Three Bells if destroyed by an opponent. Or it could bring back a Grasping Chthonian.
Snow Graves is a protection against recursion.
When The Three Bells are ringing, it should also be not easy for an opponent to keep The Large Man + Glimpse Of The Void running, because he needs to sacrifice The Large Man when his deck is having a lot of milling cards and not so much characters to sacrifice instead of The Large Man.
Thunder in the East is against Snow Graves on my own discard pile, Burrowing Beneath against Khopesh or other nasty attachments.
Shocking Transformation adds flexibility when needed (can fetch a missing Mage, a missing Ancient Guardian, Grasping Chthonian or Small Ghouls if I need skill).
The deck sounds very promising at first, but against competitive decks, ringing the bell the 4th time is not easy I guess. Probably gets destroyed before that happens. And I guess it will have real troubles against rush decks.
Some Dark Youngs could be unnecessary, I am thinking about adding some Silver Twilight power (Master of the Myths, Unbound, Lord Jeffrey Farrington, Ritual of the Lance, Magnus Stiles bc. the Mage is a sorcerer, or Nathan Wick replacing the Mage and putting High Wizard of the Order into play for discarding Shub-Niggurath…)
Any ideas / further weak spots / comments?