what would be the top 3 units in usa
best usa troops
What are you talking about?
As far as I know the top three units in the USA are the "English unit", "Imperial Unit" and the newest "United States costumary unit". Just use feet, inches and yards and you should be fine, though I much prefer the metric unit.
Inch, gallon and short ton. Worst are chain, jigger and pennyweight.
I often have to covert US customary (and Imperial system) measures to their metric counterparts for work, I know the headaches they can give.
Don't really understand why the US doesn't just buckle up and goes metric…
Don't let the lads from across the pond bother you VelosaRaptor. They tend to be a bit cheeky. May be that's why we yanks kicked them out so long ago.
The three best Allied units?
The Steal Rain, the Grim Reapers, the Pounder.
And by the way. Mainly, the Allies are:
- United Kingdom
- Brazil
- France
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Canada
- Mexico
- And yeah, the USA as well.
Panzer soldier said:
The Steal Rain, the Grim Reapers, the Pounder.
I also like the Mickey, the Red Devils (+ Action Jackson) and the Hellboys (+ any matching Hero).
seems like this forum has alot of aholes in it ( loophole master ) not to mention any names.
Wow, where such idiots are born? No effort, no thoughts, not even polite….
VelosaRaptor said:
I always knew Loophole Master was full of evil sh*& ! Now we have accual evidence! HA:D
That guy is a devil, and uses rules against us ! In our own game!
Loophole Master shall forever henceforth be known as 'Loophole Bastard'.
I yield before your superior grouch-foo.
(by the way…I'm kidding)
Grim Reapers, Steel Rain, NCO Command Squad
I have never used the NCO command squad. What is it you like about the unit ?
NCO squads are just very fun to play. There's always something interesting you can do with them. You end up using a lot more of their special abilities than you do with the regular Command Squad, which invariably ends up stuck in a corner rolling dice to reactivate a unit at the beginning of the game, or bring back a unit towards the end. The NCO are also very useful in a straight fight, carrying weapons capable of really doing some damage.
I've had good luck with a combined force of Steel Rain/The Boss and Cobra/Red Devils…with a smattering of other things to fill in. Also, fielding a Cobra and a Rattler has been unexpectedly lucrative.
I just got a unit of Bot Killers I want to try out. I've been using Rhino or Priest for my hero. I haven't found a particular unit that's overly weak.
Wow, these responses are shocking! The only one I've heard that deserves top 3 status is the Grim Reapers and that is only since the arrival of SSU airbourne units….. To each his own… we all have different playstyles I guess, but I must say that I am shocked by some of the responses.
And which Allied units would you consider "top units" yourself?
Reapers with Rhino (allows move and sustain), Steel Rain, and Corps Officers…why? Makes for 2 steel Rains
I don't care for the Steel Rain,except in Warfare, I think my top 3 are:
Grim Reapers, Mickey, BBQ Squad