Their is no mention of a reprint on the upcoming page. Anyone have any idea when this will come back into stock?
Any Word On A Reprint?
I dont think there is a reason why they should. It is still easily and reasonably accesable on ebay and amazon
I'm interested in news of a reprint as well. Just found out about this game and it sounds great!
To say that it's reasonably available on Amazon is a stretch…the cheapest version I saw on Amazon was almost $75 -- all the way upto $155. Retail is $50.
For new players looking to get this game…will it be reprinted? If yes…when?
Wolverine-X said:
I'm interested in news of a reprint as well. Just found out about this game and it sounds great!
To say that it's reasonably available on Amazon is a stretch…the cheapest version I saw on Amazon was almost $75 -- all the way upto $155. Retail is $50.
For new players looking to get this game…will it be reprinted? If yes…when?
i agree. All the Amazon and Ebay sellers are gouging prices. I am sure there will be a reprint. Just wanted to know if anyone knew when that would be.
funguy said:
Their is no mention of a reprint on the upcoming page. Anyone have any idea when this will come back into stock?
Yes there is. It says 3Q 2012. August starts the second month of the third quarter.
New to this website, so it may just be that I haven't seen how they announce things etc, nor did I see the phrasing on the original upcoming page, but does anyone know any further information about this?
The current upcoming page lists this game and says "This is a reprint August 2012" under Expected by: it lists "this is a reprint"
Does this mean it is available "now"? On the actual cosmic encounter page it lists it as "available soon"
As a "reprint" will this be identical to the "2011" / "2nd edition" or will there be any errata changes etc?
I literally just heard about this game today, but am very excited to pick it up, I found the "2011" Edition on Amazon for a little over $50 or the "2009" edition on ebay for pretty cheap (but of course it may still go up with almost a week of bidding)
As players of the game do you think it be worth waiting for a 2012 reprint?
If there's substantial changes (or heck even minor changes) to card wordings etc, assuming it won't be cost prohibitive I think I'd like to wait for it, (looks like $50 direct from FFG here) but if it's going to be completely identical to the other most current version (or crazy expensive) I'm not sure there's really a reason to wait.
Thanks for any input or assistance
Can someone explain the "Fantasy Flight Supply X# Protective Card Sleeves" icon on the product page? (main game shows 4, expansions show 2)
Does that mean it includes that many packages of that type, or thats how many they recommend?
Clicking on it takes me only directly to the supplies page
Pinkshirtbadman said:
New to this website, so it may just be that I haven't seen how they announce things etc, nor did I see the phrasing on the original upcoming page, but does anyone know any further information about this?
The current upcoming page lists this game and says "This is a reprint August 2012" under Expected by: it lists "this is a reprint"
Does this mean it is available "now"? On the actual cosmic encounter page it lists it as "available soon"
As a "reprint" will this be identical to the "2011" / "2nd edition" or will there be any errata changes etc?
I literally just heard about this game today, but am very excited to pick it up, I found the "2011" Edition on Amazon for a little over $50 or the "2009" edition on ebay for pretty cheap (but of course it may still go up with almost a week of bidding)
As players of the game do you think it be worth waiting for a 2012 reprint?
If there's substantial changes (or heck even minor changes) to card wordings etc, assuming it won't be cost prohibitive I think I'd like to wait for it, (looks like $50 direct from FFG here) but if it's going to be completely identical to the other most current version (or crazy expensive) I'm not sure there's really a reason to wait.
Thanks for any input or assistance
Can someone explain the "Fantasy Flight Supply X# Protective Card Sleeves" icon on the product page? (main game shows 4, expansions show 2)
Does that mean it includes that many packages of that type, or thats how many they recommend?
Clicking on it takes me only directly to the supplies page
Expected date, and actual date of release are often quite different. Two of my FLGS still have copies on the shelf. BGG is also a good resource if you are looking for a game that is out of print and you want it now.
Pinkshirtbadman said:
Can someone explain the "Fantasy Flight Supply X# Protective Card Sleeves" icon on the product page? (main game shows 4, expansions show 2)
Does that mean it includes that many packages of that type, or thats how many they recommend?
Clicking on it takes me only directly to the supplies page
Sleeves aren't included. That number is the number of packs of sleeves you'll need to sleeve every card in the box.
The color-coding on the Upcoming page now matches "In Stores Now," so perhaps it has arrived and is available?
What I want to know is, did the 2nd edition (with Pacifist and Parasite on the cover IIRC) fix the spelling of "Possibilities" on the edge of the box lid?
Cosmic Encounter is out of stock at FFG shop now, and I can't find it in any local (Poland) shops, and price at is crazy ($100?). Is this "out of stock" state only temporary or maybe "something very strange is coming fast our way"...?
Edited by ThimGrimAccording to the "Upcoming products and reprints" page CE has been reprinted and is being shipped to distributors. Can't say if that includes Poland, but I'd imagine it means that you should at least be able to find it online with more reasonable prices soon.