Rules Questions

By Mrbob0069, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

1) Barghiest's howl ability, and abilities that work on all targets up to X squares away. Does line of site rules apply? Such as a model 3 squares away but behind a line of allies?

2) How much damage, if any, does the reanimate take from OL card exploding rune?

3) the quest with the npc behind the locked door that can only be attacked by zombies, Can the OL still damage the NPC with OL cards like traps?

1. No, LoS is not needed. It's like command in 1E or Leoric's of the Book hero ability.

2. Let's be logical. While testing an attribute you can roll 0 and you pass if roll equal or less. Reanimate is auto-fail test roll, so his attribute is at -1. I think that you just need to roll silver and black dices and get that many wounds. Still FAQ needed.

3. Don't have my copy yet, but if there is no restrictions in quest guide and card allow OL to target any space or any figure, yes. If card can target a hero, then no. Can you be more specific in that question?

Sorry don't have book in front of me.

The quest states that no monsters other then zombies can attack him.

The flavor text states he has a shield that magicly protects him from all harm.

It clearly states he can not be attacked by other monsters, but makes no reference to any other source.

The Golden Rules
• Many quest rules listed in the Quest Guide come in direct conflict with the rules found in this rulebook. The quest rules listed in the Quest Guide take precedence over the rules in this rulebook. Furthermore, some cards and abilities will come in direct conflict with rules found in this rulebook and the Quest Guide. Cards and abilities take precedence over both the Quest Guide and this rulebook.

1. He is a figure and can be attack by anything (rule book)

2. He cannot be harm by anything due to shield (quest guide)

3. Zombies can harm him (quest guide)

My answer is no, since there is no OL cards as I remember that will conflict with "due to shield he cannot be harm".

Trying to interpret flavor text as rigorous rules strikes me as a really bad idea.

It's hard to draw any conclusions without seeing the actual text in question, but my guess is that all the overlord cards you would want to play on him have to be played on heroes , making his invulnerability (or lack thereof) a moot point.

Because of the nature of the quest and the fact that there is no mention in the setup that the Cardinal is immune to ability checks and I believe it also states he acts like a hero with the heal and attack restrictions, I play it that OL cards can be played against him. However, the one constraint is that no damage from cards is taken since he can only be damaged by the zombies. Movement restrictions and stuns can still be played on him IMO.