allied flyers

By fireman_mm, in Dust Tactics

i was wondering if anyone knew if the allies were getting flyers in the future? i would love to see a mustang go toe to toe with a ssu chopper

Yes, we know for sure that the other factions will get fliers at some point, probably not that far off. In the text for the SSU heavy anti-aircraft tank, they say it was created to attack the enemy's aircraft (obviously), so that unit won't have much purpose to exist until the axis and/or allies get some aircraft.

so what scale would a flyer have to be to fit into dust tactics?

fireman_mm said:

so what scale would a flyer have to be to fit into dust tactics?

The game is 1/48 scale.

Though they tend to make vehicles relatively compact.

I'm afraid we won't see mustangs or other fast movers in the game. From what i recall only stable flying units will be released officially.

Lska said:

I'm afraid we won't see mustangs or other fast movers in the game. From what i recall only stable flying units will be released officially.

Mainly because in games at this scale the fast movers flash past and are gone. Usually simulated as a once a game attack run that the opponent may or may not get a one shot try to interdict.

so would it have to be some form of chopper or hovercraft?

fireman_mm said:

so would it have to be some form of chopper or hovercraft?

Yeah, chopper and Harrier-style hovercraft seem to be the best fit for Dust Tactics. Just zooming across the battlefield doesn't really work in this game.

I can totally see some light Axis flyers shaped like the bladed saucers used by Syndrome's mooks in "The Incredibles" ( image here ). Maybe two-seaters, with a swiveling MG 48 or even a laser werfer.

the only thing I would really like to see is an osprey style mustang, in the form of a dual rotor blades on the wing tips, mainly for anti aircraft or anti tank. Idk if it'd be worth it but I'd like to do a a conversion using a 1/48 scale mustang with the dual blades. any thoughts?

In some of the fluff the it is mentioned the Axis are light in air power due to having to focus on the Allied bombing campaigns over Europe. In Warfare, the Allies receive a B-17r strike as an optional ability.

From what I understand, they are expected to have a stand alone air to air game eventually. I cant recall where I read it but it is somewhere.