Who knows i could get lucky.....New Tradez list!

By Da_ghetto_gamer, in UFS Trading

Only going to list the important stuff.....if your looking for commons/uncommons or older stuff then just let me know and ill see what i have

Wants (Bolded cards are needed the most)

x1 Twilight Embrace
x1 Two Deadly Rings Technique
x3 Shredding Vibrato
x2 Eiserne Drossel
x3 Power of the Edge
x1 Double Grounder Beta
x4 Midnight Launcher
x2 Dragons Flame
x4 Stand-Off
x3 Striking thunder
x1 Kisheri (i think thats how you spell it, the new character card)


x1 Jotun's Fury
x1 Ice Pick
x1 Lightning Uppercut
x2 Sirens Call
x3 Siggys earth divide
x1 Fruit Picker
x4 Curse of the ancient Mariner
x2 One handed croc. grasp
x1 Samba
x1 Peaceful path hold

x2 Intolerant of Failure
x1 One with the rhythm
x1 No Mercy
x1 Calming the MInd
x1 Anger towards the gods
x2 Keep them down
x2 Artifical Soul
x1 Temporary Being
x1 Bloodline Rebellion
x1 Bloodied but unbowed
x2 Mesmerizing Dance
x4 Tower of Souls
x1 Driven by Fear
x1 Searching for family
x1 Boxing is life
x1 Researching anywhere

x1 Soul Edge
x1 Kulutues
x1 Valkyrja's Shield
x3 Castle-Twilight
x1 Lethal Fighting Style
x1 Scroll of Celestial Dawn
x1 Psuedo-Soul Edge
x2 Saliors rest
x1 Valentine
x1 Purple Army Suit
x1 Kunpaetku Shrine- Dream

x1 Proficient Sniper

x4 Unnatural Grace
x2 Cold and Indifferent
x1 Ready to launch
x2 Devil Within
x1 Evil Intentions
x1 Dragon of Mt. Lao

If you have something that i want and i dont have anything you want make me an offer of what your looking for and i can
try and get it for you.....also if theres anything i havent listed just ask i have alot of older cards and these are just what i
have on me at the moment ill put up more later

Im always buying so ill update as it goes along

My email is [email protected] if thats easier for you and i have AIM same as my email though im hardly ever
on you can always try though.....Feel free to post here as well i can work something out that way

email sent!

Hm, I got a returned mail error.

I have 1 Clean Freak and 2 Flames of Fame, interested in your Neo Raging Storm.
Do you have 2 Psycho Styles, 2 The Tae Kwon Do Zephyr?

dakkon said:

Hm, I got a returned mail error.

I have 1 Clean Freak and 2 Flames of Fame, interested in your Neo Raging Storm.
Do you have 2 Psycho Styles, 2 The Tae Kwon Do Zephyr?

thats wierd but i only have one psycho style and i do have the 2 zephyrs.....i could do those 4 cards for the raging storm...anything else your looking for?

edit: apparently my E-mail isnt working so i changed it to my AIM email

email sent!

Nah, I haven't traded the Spintas yet.

I've just made a trade that included Supreme Rising Rage Flashes, so I won't need those anymore. I've looked at your list, and other than the Mega Spike (and Shoulder Rushes) I'm not really seeing anything. I'd rather trade the Spinta for newer things.

Thanks for the offer though.

I have a Flames of Fame

I'm interested in:

x1 Neo Raging Storm
x1 Homerun
x1 A Tradition of Fighting
x1 Psycho Crusher EXTRA

Hit me up with an offer on my trade list or pm me on TCO, or something.

Out of ur wants I have....

2x Clean Freaks
x2 Galatica Phantom
x? Counter The Assult
x1 Shooting Capoera
x1 Signature Style(i believe i can get this card for u from a friend i have to check with him if he stil has it)
x? Flames Of Fame
x? Forethought
x3 High Plasma Beam

the ones with question marks are the ones that i don't know how many i have extra of. but i do have at least one of the card for trade. im interested in your..

1x feline spike
1x neo raging storm

if you are interested in trading with me please email me at [email protected] if you are looking for others too, feel free to email me and i'll see what i can do.

Updated haves and wants.........please help me peepz!!!!

My Galatica Phantom for your Spinning Beat? LMK.

come on people theres gotta be something you can help me out with

bumps with a few new cards

yo its me again. you still need midnight pleasures? i got 2

interested in 2x mega spike, 1x heavenly pheonix dancing stomp, and 1x pyscho crusher extra. let me kno

Interested in Annu Matsube and Jeff's gloves.

Btw most of the stuff on my list i have multiples of, i just didnt type out quantities. I think i have 2 Midnight Pleasures. Let me know if you see anything else on there.

I have Galatica Phantom

I need Annu Matsube!

Read your post. Question: Do you still need G. Phantom, Billiard Player, or meat eater (besides the darkness blades and midnight pleasures)?

I can trade a G. Phantom + Billiard Player + 2x Meat Eater for Annu. The most things to me right now is stuff I need for regionals. I still need:

1x Juni..
2x BRT
3x Psycho Style
3x Juni's Spiral Arrow
4x Amy's Assistance

I will trade especially well for brts.

Sounds good. Just to clarify my Galactica Phantom + Billiard Player + 2x Meat Eater for your 1x Annu Mutsube and 1x Juni..(2-dot)

Send me an email so we can exchange address and such silliness. My email is: [email protected]

Long overdue update with all set 12 haves and wants

I have

x3 Neo Raging Storm
x1 midnight pleasure
x1 Twilight Embrace
x3 Bitter Rivals
x2 midnight launchers (High)
x4 Siggys Earth Divide
x2 Enkidu the Valiant
x3 Shredding Vibrato (Highest!!!)
x3 Eiserne Drossel

Anyone needz stuff??

Will Trade just about anything for the vibratos!!!

Da_ghetto_gamer said:

Will Trade just about anything for the vibratos!!!

I really need these vibratos so if anyone has them lemme know ill trade anything

Updated finally with NEWFS stuff