new walkers

By BigDogg, in Dust Warfare General Discussion

Just picked up 2 of each of the new walkers out. The axis walkers Flamm-Luthor/Wotan looked awesome and I was really pleased with the different options available for them. However the MCW M3 expansion pieces Cobra/Rattler leave a lot to be desired. I was just wondering if any one else noticed how ungainly looking these Mech's are? They just look awkward and don't fit there bases well. Noticed the picture on the box cover looks like both versions had different leg configurations but both my models came with the one shown in the foreground of the picture (Rattler).

I will probable disassemble the leg assemblies and try to kit bash my own legs for them. The one thing I did like about them was the Amphibious pods and snorkel assembly. I wish/hope maybe they will market just these components so all my light and medium Mech's could be made amphibious.

Didn't have any problems with my Rattler/cobra mate. the stance does make it look a little weird but equally adds a little dynamics to the usual static looking vehicles of most gaming systems

May I ask from whence you hail? Just wondering if I am missing something over here in the UK or we are still waiting for those new axis tanks to be released!

Port Huron, Michgan US - they may be fine but i still thnk they look awkward and the Axis walkers just came out here a few days ago. I don't think the stats for them are in the Dust Warfare book yet. Will hopefully be in the SSU suppliment do out soon.

I hated it too, so I reposed mine…


nicly done….thats sort of what I had in mind for mine.

I haven't had a chance to get into the DUST Warfare yet, I still only have the tactics stuff. How are the new rules and are the new walkers rules a lot better?

bulldoguk said:

May I ask from whence you hail? Just wondering if I am missing something over here in the UK or we are still waiting for those new axis tanks to be released!

I've had my axis flame/laser walker from Book Depository for over a week now.

Edit- yeah I live in the UK

bob10182 said:

I haven't had a chance to get into the DUST Warfare yet, I still only have the tactics stuff. How are the new rules and are the new walkers rules a lot better?

I would like to know how the new walkers fit into DUST Warfare as well.

I just picked up the new axis flame/laser walker and it looks great. I was very impressed!

I felt the same way looking at the new Allied Walker though having seen the version bulldoguk painted up it looked pretty good too.

All four of them are very useful in DW. I expect they're useful enough that you're as likely to see them as any other Medium Walkers on the table. Perhaps even more so.

Btw cheers for the heads on book depository Jareth, picked up that wotan last week :) strange really as the usual places I buy, games lore and iguk still haven't stocked any! Guess it pays to shop around

Primus Pilus said:

I would like to know how the new walkers fit into DUST Warfare as well.

Axis players should fear the Cobra, I certainly do now.

I had a run in with one vs my heavy, the cobra won. The first round he rolled up and hit max damage of 6! Then my opponent air dropped the British paras with Action Jackson right next to it, and they started in. It was all down hill from there. Lets just say my dice decided they didn't like me that game.

If you see one, I highly recomend that you make it a priority target. Otherwise it's phaser canon will cause all sorts of havok with your walkers.

ItsUncertainWho said:

Primus Pilus said:

I would like to know how the new walkers fit into DUST Warfare as well.

Axis players should fear the Cobra, I certainly do now.

I had a run in with one vs my heavy, the cobra won. The first round he rolled up and hit max damage of 6! Then my opponent air dropped the British paras with Action Jackson right next to it, and they started in. It was all down hill from there. Lets just say my dice decided they didn't like me that game.

If you see one, I highly recomend that you make it a priority target. Otherwise it's phaser canon will cause all sorts of havok with your walkers.

Truth brother Truth and the scary thing is they can field several in a list easily since they are only like 35 AP where as one good Wotan is 50AP I mean the Wotan can put hurt on a Heavy with its twin Las guns from a bigger range 36" vs 24" but that's still nothing compared to ignoring armor. I am saddened by how much better the Phasers are compared to the Lasers and how much better Rocket Punch dudes are compared to Gorillas and Zombies.

As for dealing with the Para troopers remember when they air drop in they have to stay 12" away (which means out of their gun range) your units and they have to use a March Move action so they cant do anything the first turn they arrive in. You should hopefully be able to get one turn of free shooting in on them after they arrive this way. My suggestion is take at least 2 sniper teams in your list since its a smart investment of 24 AP and they are great for dealing with things like Soldier 3. Also if you see the air drop in your opponents list its smart to keep your units in a 12" cohesion that way your enemy wont just show up in the middle of you line.

Denied said:

As for dealing with the Para troopers remember when they air drop in they have to stay 12" away (which means out of their gun range) your units and they have to use a March Move action so they cant do anything the first turn they arrive in. You should hopefully be able to get one turn of free shooting in on them after they arrive this way. My suggestion is take at least 2 sniper teams in your list since its a smart investment of 24 AP and they are great for dealing with things like Soldier 3. Also if you see the air drop in your opponents list its smart to keep your units in a 12" cohesion that way your enemy wont just show up in the middle of you line.

There were no shenanigans from my opponent. He dropped the paras around the corner of a building and moved them in the next round. He also had a squad of tank busters jump into ruins and start harassing my heavy, which kept me backing up instead of turning and running.

Bad luck with the dice and a mistake with deployment, spreading myself too thin led to me getting handled. I also underestimated the lethality of the Cobra. Lesson learned.

ItsUncertainWho said:

There were no shenanigans from my opponent. He dropped the paras around the corner of a building and moved them in the next round. He also had a squad of tank busters jump into ruins and start harassing my heavy, which kept me backing up instead of turning and running.

Bad luck with the dice and a mistake with deployment, spreading myself too thin led to me getting handled. I also underestimated the lethality of the Cobra. Lesson learned.

It happens. I am trying to work in using the Wotan in my list currently I love the dual lasers with a sustained they can be pretty nasty!. Also Vehicle 5 with DC 6 and you can upgrade it to vehicle 6 for only 5 AP its almost an auto upgrade! I think its probably the best pointed anti Heavy Walker option Axis have, the problem is though I need to keep my anti air options open at the same time …. oh i just had an idea need to go get list building now.