Mutating Armor

By Khensu, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

I was wondering, when a char gets a new mutation, does the armor he wears gain the same modifications, or mutate with the char?

when I was looking at pics of mutated chaos marines they have there armor mutated with them, or better even merged with there flesh. Can this happen? does anybodys have a rule for this?

My secondary question is about "Demonic Armors" does anyone have a rule to fuse a demon with anything other then a weapon?

The "Power Armour Customisation" (page 176) table has "Remnants of Mutation" entry that states that armour has been adapted to function with mutation, so first question would be no.

Second, deamons are hard to put into weapons (which are used to kill) and easier to put into machines/servitors (as they have more freedom to kill). Putting them into something meant to protect would be extremely hard as it goes against their nature (still possible but with negative modifiers and more frequent daemonic mastery tests and so on).

anybody have good ideas for demon armors?

Some weapon attributes can easily be transfered into armour if you want :howling, impervious, bloodlust, blood tracker, null, embodiment of decay, herald of decay, pestilent stench, commanding presence, soporific musk, swiftness, fateweaver, living magic, mutating (when struck with unarmed melee), spellbound. In fact that's almost half of all attributes so there are things to choose from.
Other than that such armour would defend against weapons with warp quality, can have more AP, regenerate itself, fight on it's own, influence certain mutations, give/take some amound of cp or give some traits (sturdy, hoverer).
Old wfrp books had quite a list of magical armour effects, if you somehow gain access to them, you can use them.

can you plz give me a name of the books needed?

I think it's "Warhammer Companion: A Grimoire of arcane knowledge" (I have one in different language so I'm looking by the cover). Bear in mind that many of armour 'enchantements' there are quite 'fantasy' so they won't fit into wh40.

There are also WFRP - Realm Of Chaos - Slaves To Darkness and WFRP - Realm Of Chaos - The Lost And The Damned which I think contain some daemon weapons and armours (also fantasy).
You can also try Tome of Corruption from wfrp 2ed, there may be some things too (there is huge list of mutations there (1d1000) if noting else).