I am curious about the scale and type of warzone others are using in their playtesting, so I thought I'd ask here. How many of you are using a single regiment front, vs. a large crusade force? Against what enemies? And with what sort of Regiment as the PC unit?
For my own stuff, we're playing the story of the 3rd Solan Airborne Regiment, a Fortress World Drop-Troop regiment specialized in fighting Eldar pirate raids, as they are sent as pathfinders for a large crusade force to punish a planetary government found to be in collusion with the xenos. Millions of Guardsmen are involved, landing to face off against both the governor's treasonous forces and the treacherous (yet oddly helpful to their human ally, which should make anyone who knows Eldar suspicious) xeno forces. Players' missions will mostly be behind-enemy-lines airdrops to eliminate AA or artillery, or otherwise hit high value targets to allow the main crusade force to sweep forward more easily.