The more I play, the more I love it!

By SolennelBern, in Gears of War: The Board Game

Bought the game a few months ago because I was looking for a great coop game that would play really well with 2 players since once a week I play duo with my brother and he loves coop games.

I also LOVE hard games that don't take you by the hand, like Arkham Horror.

At first I was not really sure about my purchase, but that was before my first game. Then came the day we played Emergence, the first scenario. We lost hard and we decided to retry it immediately.

Since then we played the first 3 scenarios a couple of time each and we lost every single one of them, just near the end everytime, but have more and more fun playing it.

It's one of the best coop games out there that i've played and **** glad I bought it.

I might even paint the minis, which are one of the best sculpts FFg has ever produces, they're simply awesome. Great details that scream to get painted!

So that's simply it, wanted to add another positive comment about GoW, which imo EVERYONE that loves coop and difficult games where team work is extremely important, should get it!

Totally agree. The first time I brought the game to my pals, some of them sneered at the dice + card deck ("too much randomness, we can't plan enough strategy!"), but four hours later they were asking for yet another game, having witnessed the glory of defeating the Berserker. The semi-random board is great too.

Painting the minis is a bit of an undertaking (Kantus gown-thing, I'm looking at you!), but it's well worth the effort. Go for it.

I just picked up this game recently as I was looking for a COOP game that was in a genre that is at least interesting to me.

I tried it solo a couple of times and was sort of like meh, but I was trying to learn the game mechanics. Got in some games with other players and absolutely has a blast playing. With other players the nail biting factor goes up.

Totally digging it.

Definitely. Solo is very much a binary game (either you're winning or you're just dead) which just enhances how well the co-op goes. On top of being a great game, I also feel like it replicated the feel of the videogame surprisingly well.

Awesome game with all the replayability and randomness of the maps as I have posted many variants that this great game can offer.

Got to agree with all of you. Amazing co-op game and really gives you moments that'll happen during the video game. If they do announce an expansion i'd be the first to buy it.

I find this game very exciting, up to the last attack. It's so tense! I would love some real expansions for this game.

I have only played the first game on the xbox with a friend, but I am not really into the franchise. What I would love to see is some miniatures for those really big monsters you fight in the games, that would be awesome. And more monster mini's in general too! Aaaah… a man can dream right?

Totally agree!

I just played once in solo mode. I obviously lost and this game is just astonishing!

I see a lot of potencial in this system and i can't wait to play another one. And i feel that is just the beginning for this kind of games and i hope that FFG take profit of that because i feel that is not 100% profit of this game…i wait for more expansions and complexity of the game, like feeling a game more like a dungeon and exploration.

I too played my first solo game yesterday. Four hours later, I was killed by a swarm of one Boomer, one Drone and two Wretchs. I had so much fun! Best $60 (plus $20 for sleeves) ever!