Looking forward to these:
Red Guards Anti-Tank Squad
Red Guards Command Squad
IS-5 Heavy Tank "Mao-Zedong"
IS-5 Heavy Tank "Vladimir-Lenin"
Looking forward to these:
Red Guards Anti-Tank Squad
Red Guards Command Squad
IS-5 Heavy Tank "Mao-Zedong"
IS-5 Heavy Tank "Vladimir-Lenin"
Don't we have enough threads on these?
Same thing on the Facebook group, no one looks around to see what's posted and just keep posting the same news stuff…
These are new to me. So what is the story with them?
I had a feeling they weren't going to produce any armor 3 troops, but at least the infantry has some anti tank ability.
I am not sure how I feel about the tracked vehicles. I was hoping they would produce the the KV-152 “Fury of Ivan”.
You cna never have enough SSU threads
Agreed Panzer .I bought the Fury of Ivan model kit from Dust-Models.com to fill the gap in the army. Full news on these can be found here
As a Treadhead,all I can say is thanks for the Tanks FFG!
I am a treadhead myself but I think SSU heavy walkers would have fit with the game better. I know the SSU is supposed to be behinde the teck power curve, but I still say walkers.
The new units look great. Any word when they are available?
If they are true to form 2-3 months at least.
They say "fourth quarter", so 3 months at least.
Oh, sorry…
Yeah, I am very enthusiastic about this new product.