homonculi and your creation mages

By Kohl, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

Lets say we create 25 homonculi and then use DP to make those homonculi have the gift giving them zeon.

now, we have 25 homon's walking around with said mage with something like 5500 zeon. Can said mage draw zeon from these beings of creation? Or no?

opinion are appreciated.

First: The creation mage in my game had the same idea and I only had said "No". I think this idea is only for "munchkins" (sry, if I stepped on some toes), so I rejected it.

But to say, if we don't reject the idea from the beginning: No part of the rulebook states, that a freshly created creature would start with his zeon reserve full (it only states, they could contain zeon, doesn't mean, they must start with zeon). I would say, the homunuculi would start with 0 zeon and could regenerated them like every mage, 1. because it doesn't contradict the rules and 2. if they would start with zeon it would like the mage would create zeon with zeon (like he would have water and use this water to get more water).

Okay, now we say, they start with a full zeon reserve. But what happens, if the mage stops maintaining the homunuculi? They disappear. And so there zeon. Now is on the GM to decide, what happens with the zeon, a mage had transfered to him. It was created out of thin air (like the homunculi), so it should also disappear like the homunuculi, but if he used it, it can't disappear? Get the mage a "backslash" (like, if you have no Ki, but you are hit with a technquie, which steals Ki-Points), or ist der no problem at all?

This where only some of my ideas/points.

So long,

Just a thought, but how did rule number 3, that is listed in the spell description itself get missed here?

For reference it says thus: "3- It can’t contain any Zeon points."

It doesn't get missed, because: In the revised version of the core book (core exxet) is stated, that Homunuculi can contain zeon OR it isn't stated that they can't (I'm not exactly sure, but I trust the translator ;-))

And I think the most people here are using the revised magic rules.

So long,

Ahhh…how easy it is to read over some things.

That being said, if Create Being is used, can that have zeon?

Perhaps a better question would be, at what point in creation can something have zeon that the caster can draw from?